Stiles is protective part 2

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It was Monday. He was able to avoid everyone else for the weekend somehow but now he had to face them. "Stiles? Can we talk?"

Freezing up he started at his father with wide eyes. "Uh I uh don't wanna be late for school! Ya know gotta get some of my brain on! Feed my curiosity! Give my brain a reason to live! Love you dad!" Stiles ducked out of the house quickly trying to ignore the desperate plea he could see in his fathers eyes.

He knew he wasn't the best son. That he was a disappointment. Now with everyone learning just how dark he is why would his father want anything to do with? It hurt but everyone in his life had every right to stop talking to him or to tell him he should leave them alone. It was selfish of him to hide for the weekend wanting to hope that wouldn't happen. They deserve better and he if him leaving them alone makes them happy then that's what he'll do.

Even if it destroys him.

As soon as he walked into school everyone went silent before harshly whispering to each other. Rumors were flying around but o my for what they don't know.

"I heard he's a gang leader!"

"He killed a bunch of people and he's in hiding here."

"He's government property but is trying to break free."

"I heard he's like some sort of hero. Looks like those comics went to his head."

Stiles kept his head down and hunched into himself. He was fine with people knowing who he was but never noticing him. He was Stiles. The guy that talked.

But it was so much easier to talk to the point that no one wants to bother with you because then he didn't have to do socializing and he had no idea how to do gang without far too much sarcasm or awkwardness.

An arm was swung around his shoulders and a body was pressed to his side. Looking up he saw Scott who was glaring at everyone around them while holding him tightly.

Stiles felt his mouth go dry. Scott was only doing this because he stopped that bastard from hurting Mama McCall. Scott probably hated him. He knew Stiles wasn't pure and good. That Stiles was dark and twisted.

"I- thank you Stiles. For what you do. I'm sorry I haven't been here as a friend like I should have been. I know you Sty. I know you probably think me and everyone else hates you and what nothing to do with you. I swear that that isn't true. And if it is then it's their miss and my gain. I'm not leaving you Stiles. You're my brother." Scott has leaned down to whisper to him when everyone had left for class.

Stiles could feel the burning in the back of his eyes. He could feel his throat close up and he blinked furiously. "I rod your dad and my mom to call us in sick. I think we need a bros day. Just me and you. No interruptions. Then the pack and uh our parents will probably want to talk. But I'll stand right beside you Stiles. We're in this together."

Scott lead him to the Jeep and watched Stiles with a small grin. He watched as his friend looked confused before hesitant and finally calm and reassured.

When Melissa came home and found them both in front of the tv arguing about something before they both froze at the sight of her. She watched with fondness as Scott immediately tensed up and shifted so he was in front of Stiles.

She walked over and wrapped her second son in a hug so tight she was worried she might have hurt him. No words were exchanged but the three of them understood what each of them needed to say.

It was amazingly the way a mother's love seemed almost magical at times.

Score took Stiles home to get ready to see the pack. The sheriff was already there. Neither spoke before the older man wrapped both boys in a hug and chuckled softly. "Only my kid, the son of a sheriff, would be in contact with all types of people."

On the way to the pack meeting Stiles realized that's no matter what happened, no matter how hurt or relieved he'd be after he would always have his family. He wouldn't ever be alone.

Poor Stiles just didn't realize that the meeting was about something else.

"What do you mean my eyes turned purple sourwolf!?"

So it's short but sweet I guess. Anyways it's a day late which I'm sorry about but deadlines for school is this week and I've been real busy. Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

One shots of Stiles Stilinski BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now