Race against time

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I tapped my foot against the floor, listening to the sounds of pages being turned in textbooks and pens scribbling frantically against paper. I fold my arms onto the desk to create a comfy pillow and lean forward, resting my head atop them. 

This sucks, I thought to myself as I closed my eyes. We were back from Australia after having returned to Paris a few days ago. Thankfully, the class had a weekend to recover and replenish from the draining trip. And just like that, It was Monday. I learnt a lot of things on that trip. Not only about Australian culture and traditions, but my feelings for Adrien. 

I lifted my head up to glance at the boy seated in front of me. The sun that poured through the room made his hair an illuminate gold, something I couldn't take my gaze off. I found myself being absorbed into such warmth, and being mesmerised by such shininess. But his hair had nothing on those astonishing eyes of his. His eyes were the sweet hue of spring clover, the kind of green that speaks to the soul of nature, of fresh green grass or the delicate leaves that slip from tree branches. I couldn't see those emerald eyes of his, but I could identify them in a heartbeat. 

Crap. I really have fallen for him again. For the second time, I cursed to myself. I twiddled the pencil between my fingers, mindlessly ignoring everything the teacher was teaching. This is so wrong. So wrong. I already received my tattoo! And he got his. I shouldn't like him, I'll be rejected by societal norms. Liking someone once your tattoo surfaces- unthinkable. I put my hands over my head, wanting to slam it repetitively against the table. 

The boy in front of me swiftly turned around in my direction and handed me a sheet of paper, being the saviour from my hateful, intrusive thoughts. 

It's only a little crush. I can like him. But nothing more. That's it, I told myself in a lecture like tone.

"Here Mari, pass it back," He whispered to me, not wanting to put attention on himself in the quiet environment of the focused classroom. 

"Thanks, Adrien," I replied smiling sweetly. Besides, it was different this time. I'm not sure why, but it is more comfortable, and we're so much closer. I'm not frantic, unlike before. 

"By the way, Marinette. We have left it until last minute, but we have to hand in that Chemistry project we did last week," he leaned in and said. 

That's true. It had been a little while since we finished it. It was due just after school, so we would have to be quick, I thought, processing what he had said. 

"Sure, we have to submit it. See you after school?" I told him, leaning in also. I glanced at the teacher, making sure we wouldn't get called out for talking. He nodded in conformation, those astounding green eyes being torn from my mine in one clean movement. I looked back down at my notes and tried to focus once again, counting down the hours for school to end. 

The school was empty. Students had gathered their belongings and retreated back to the safety of their homes briskly, feeling no need to overstay their welcome. I on the other hand was speedily pacing next to Adrien, the sound of our footsteps echoing in the now abandoned hallway. 

"Why are we handing it in so last minute? We were probably the first finished," I breathed out, dragging my hands down my face in stress. We kept the pace up, too focused on making it before the deadline that we barely talked. Suddenly, fast yet quiet footsteps approach from around the corner, and the person came colliding into the two of us. I felt like everything around me had slowed down as I watched chaos unfold slowly before my eyes. Papers went soaring, folders were sliding and individual sheets were unorderly scattered. 

Tattoos ➳ 𝓜𝓲𝓻𝓪𝓬𝓾𝓵𝓸𝓾𝓼  𝓢𝓸𝓾𝓵𝓶𝓪𝓽𝓮  𝓐𝓤Where stories live. Discover now