A dark silhouette

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Alya and Marinette both stared down at the fresh tattoo on her arm.

"The Yin and yang?" Alya questioned in curiosity and bewilderment looking down at her friend's wrist. Marinette still stared at it, frozen in utter wonder.

"Girl, that's gotta be a rare one! You have to post that." Alya claimed, nudging her friend with enthusiasm. Marinette snapped out her hypnotic trance, tearing her eyes from her wrist.

"What? No, that's weird. If it get's popular my soulmate might see it. I'm not ready to meet a stranger!" The girl exclaimed to her over-enthused friend. Alya just laughed, wiping a fake tear from her eye.

"That's the point, silly. People would die to get a tattoo like that, it'll get heaps of attention on the internet. Your soulmate might see it." Marinette shook her head at this comment. She definitely wasn't prepared to meet the love of her life yet. She wouldn't even know them.

The girls had finally arrived at the Dupen-Chang bakery, Marinette's home.

"See ya tomorrow, girl. I'll text you those details for the hangout." Alya stuck her tongue out and squinted her eyes gesturing the peace sign before turning around and making her way home. Marinette rolled her eyes, giggling a little before heading inside.

Tikki flew out of her purse and started bombarding me with questions.

"Marinette, has it appeared yet? Can I see it? What does it look like?"

"Tikki! That's enough questions, here." Marinette lifted up her grey sleeve to reveal the tattoo. Shock was the first thing that crossed the kawami's face, mouth dropping open slightly. Could it be? Tikki thought, questioning herself.

"You look like you've seen a ghost. What is it?" It almost looks like Tikki knew something the girl didn't.

"Nothing, I was just uh- surprised. It's very pretty, that's all." Tikki admitted, trying to sound convincing. Little did the blue haired girl know, Tikki knew exactly who Marintette's soulmate was. The kawami didn't even need to find the matching tattoo. This girl really can be oblivious sometimes.

The next day, she woke up awaiting a text from Alya.

Marinette threw her favourite pink jeans on and a plain white shirt underneath a warm cotton sweater. She heard a small ping come from her phone and leapt across to read the message.

Alya🦊: hey gurl, head over to the park around now. dont be late... we r getting some ice cream before heading into the movies.

Marinette texted back, taking her sweet time.

Mari: on my way now, is everyone coming? She typed as she was sprawled on her couch shoving a croissant in her mouth.

Alya🦊: u mean Adrien? yes he is coming. Nino said his dad let him out.. strange. hurry up, we r all waiting on u.

At that moment she gulped the rest of her breakfast down and headed for the park, Tikki in her purse.

When she arrived, everyone was in fact already there, waiting for her.

"Sorry about that, I just needed some breakfast before this sugar overload," said Marinette, glancing at the ice cream stand just a few metres away from the group.

"No problem, dudette. Adrien isn't here yet anyway. Can't believe his old man is just letting him out." Nino confessed to the group. The girl did seem to find it a little weird. Mr Agreste was an intimidating man and an over protective father, that was true. However, that wouldn't stop her from admiring him and his legendary fashion designs.

Only seconds later, Adrien approached the group waving cheerfully. Something's off. She could see it in his eyes. In his smile. He had a large pastel green hoodie on that was just a few shades lighter than his eyes. The boy wore black denim jeans with rips at the knees and white converse shoes. His hair was a little messier than usual, reminding her of a certain someone she knew.

"Let's get some ice cream and head inside!" Squealed Rose. Everyone nodded in agreement, paid for their ice creams, and went inside to watch the movie.

I thought this movie was a thriller, Marinette thought to herself. She watched as the screen portrayed a sad, tragic scene. Rain, violins playing in the background, a damsel in distress, this movie had it all. How sappy. Suddenly, the damsel was sliced in half, head rolling onto the floor. She jumped, grabbing the arm of the person next to her by instinct. Tearing her eyes from the screen, her gaze met the tired, green eyed boy that she had suddenly grabbed. He gave the girl a sympathetic expression that almost sent chills down her spine. The look he gave Marinette spoke in words, as if to tell her, don't be scared, everything's going to be okay.

After the movie had finished they walked out of the theatres and saw Paris being absorbed by the wondrous orange and pink hues, caused by the setting sun. The group said their farewell's before going separate ways. Marinette noticed that Adrien seemed abnormally fine with going home, despite the fact he usually was reluctant to. He looked pretty exhausted. Her worry only grew for the boy.

The movie was sad, but adventure packed and thrilling. At the thought of this, she was reminded of Chat Noir and the adventures and battles they fought together. Enough was enough. She thought to herself. She climbed up the ladder onto her terrace and transformed into her alter ego, Ladybug. Marinette knew no one would spot her- the sun had gone down, surrounding her in darkness. She checked the several messages she had sent to her partner over the passed few days, asking where he was once more. Nothing.

Where has he gone... She questioned herself. Had she done something unintentionally to hurt him? The past few nights she had been swinging around Paris, just to check for him- failing each time. That silly Cat was lucky there weren't any akuma attacks. He hasn't even been turning up for their nightly patrols, she frowned. He's just vanished like an echo or a dream. She began her nightly search again. The fact that it was finally the weekend meant there was no patrol that night- her one and only focus was to find Chat Noir.

Unexpectedly, from the corner of her eye, she notices the silhouette of a figure, blending in with the darkness of the night, leaping from roof to roof as silent as shadow. The dark shape shrunk into the distance, hauling its way up the Eiffel tower effortlessly.


Tattoos ➳ 𝓜𝓲𝓻𝓪𝓬𝓾𝓵𝓸𝓾𝓼  𝓢𝓸𝓾𝓵𝓶𝓪𝓽𝓮  𝓐𝓤Where stories live. Discover now