Lost kitty

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Exhausted, Adrien returned from the movies. As much as he loved his friends, he wanted nothing more than to be left alone. Though, they did help distract him from the tattoo he loathed on his wrist. Adrien only went to the movies because his father had forced him too. His father was concerned about his mental health, so he was told to get out of the house and get some fresh air. Hah, sure. Now he lets me out, the boy thought to himself. All Adrien felt like doing was laying on the floor in a melancholic manner. So he did. This weekend will be another long one, he sighed and stared up at the bland roof. At least there won't be any night patrols. Not that Adrien would actually go in the first place.

A small rustle could be heard nearby. Plagg flew out from a nearby drawer, a slice of soft, creamy Camembert cheese in hand.

"You know what, kid?" The dark kwami retorted in his usual sarcastic and witty tone. Adrien inwardly groaned. Here we go, he pondered. He did not want to talk with his kwami right now. Adrien sat up right, crossing his legs.

"I think it's better this way with you being home all the time now. No more transforming, endless days of rest and cheese. So. Much. Cheese." Plagg then proceeded to shove the entire piece of gooey Camembert in his mouth, engulfing it completely.

"Do you only think with that stomach of yours?" Adrien queried. In return, he received a burp from Plagg. The boy glared at the small kwami for a moment before laying back down on the floor. In all honesty, the reality was that Plagg did actually care for the boy- quite a lot, though he wouldn't be admitting that. He just wasn't good at showing his softer side.

"Look uh, Adrien. Why not give your little lady a call back, or hey- go for a little night walk as Chat Noir." Adrien shot him another small glare, fierce and annoyed. Plagg tried again, carefully not to irritate him. He was practically walking on egg-shells here.

"I just think that your old man's right, it's good to get out of the house, take in Paris and stop despising the tattoo on your arm." Adrien winced slightly. Not good, not good, the kwami thought studying Adrien's tense body movement.

"I-I'm just saying! Kid look, It's not as bad as you think it is, really. The truth is- that tattoo, it-"

"Has nothing to do with ladybug, Plagg!" The sudden raise of Adrien's voice gave the kwami a small fright, shrinking back at the roaring boy in front of him.

Oh Adrien, you really are completely clueless, The kwami mused looking at the bitter boy.

Adrien just wanted Plagg to leave him alone. He just wanted to withdraw himself from the world.

"Plagg, claws out!"

"Wha- Adrien! What are y-" But it was too late, the kwami was sucked into Adrien's miraculous.

While the night became as dark as ink, a black cat crept over the rooftops of Paris, leaping between buildings and over-top alleyways. The sky was speckled with small, individual stars that were barely visible due to the scattered light in the air that was radiating from the busy city. The wind was crisp, creating a soft 'whoosh' noise that could just be heard over the echoing honks of vehicles.

The masked boy with the electric green eyes and black cat ears that rested in his messy hair began to scale the illuminated Eiffel tower. Sitting at the top with his feet dangling over the edge, he breathed in the chilly air. Alone, the cat sighed with tired eyes, overlooking the luminous city. Usually, his lady would sit right beside him in this very spot after their nightly patrols- but he had pushed her away. It wasn't fair on her. The lonely cat admitted, hot tears threatened to pool in his eyes, yet none escaped. She did nothing wrong. He had ignored the one person who was always there for him. The boy felt pathetic. As he blinked, the tears welling in his eyes slipped down his cheeks, like they belonged there. His only partner- and he pushed her away. Standing up, he left the tower to get away from anything reminding him of ladybug. The lost cat plopped down on a nearby roof, staring into the jet black abyss above, dried marks streaked his cheeks where tears had once fallen.

Not far away, a small purple butterfly was being pulled towards a certain impaired cat, suffering from crippling sadness. With its dark purple hues that could evoke feelings of gloom, it flapped its wings in the dead of night, feeling strong attraction towards such negative emotions.

The grim creature grew closer and closer to its target, glowing faintly. A few metres away, the lonely cat sat on a rooftop looking up at the night sky, playing with his tail. The boy needed to give in, let the negative emotions take over. And so, the sinister butterfly hovered above the isolated cat, ready to possess him.

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