Chapter 1: Mellifluous.

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Time spells different for everyone, for some it passes by as the so called bad time and the present becomes the good time for them which is normally just the cycle of life and then for some there would always be a part in past that stays as the good time, even though just saying good would be an understatement in my situation. It's like if I could I'd relive the moment I lost in past to maybe once again feel my heart again as I did back then and perhaps feel alive. Love is the same as time in my opinion, we have a different unique definition for it the same as we do for time but this time the definition depends not on the people we share this word instead but that one person who flips your world upside down. "Yes I've reached the city you don't have to worry, tell pa that I'm fine. Seokjin will be here by the weekend to check up on me anyways" I comforted my mother for what seemed like the hundredth time since it's the first time I moved out to permanently work away from home as now a twenty four year old.

Finally ending the call a breath of relief escapes my lips as I stood up to stretch my stressed out limbs from all the moving. My parents were quite worried knowing that I'm not the most out going or expressive person. If this was some overrated novel then people would have called my character cold and dry. "I need a coffee for god's sake" I signed grabbing my keys and wallet before walking out of the house offered by the company I started working in a week ago.

It's not like I wasn't offered any of these opportunities before but maybe it was the thoughts of him which stopped me from staying away from the warmth of my home even though the city is the place which reminds me the most of him. Locking the doors of my apartment I look around the tall buildings which seemed a lot less familiar and disturbing especially when my eyes were used to something else, finally making my way across knowing that I saw a cafe earlier around the corner while driving in yesterday.

Gushing wind playing with my hairs which had the roots dipped up in a bright shade of blonde creating the perfect combination with my earlier black strands, just within the past five years my appearance switched around drastically but the heart is still the same. Thinking about him whenever it can even though I'm sure he doesn't remember me because if he did he'd keep his promise or perhaps fight for what happened. His insecurities got the best of him I guess, pushing open the door of the cafe the very familiar scent of lavender rushes through my senses. "Welcome mam! What would you like?" the young excited girl cheered up reminding me of my past self not by her personality but more by the look of innocence and the thirst of proving themselves greeted with a gentle smile.

"One black bullet coffee please" I mumbled out before passing down a bill knowing the price since it's the same all around, maybe the difference of a buck or two but mostly the same. She immediately called out for the order before passing me back the change which I asked her to keep as a tip taking her by surprise but maybe I just wanted to reward my old self through her. I take my seat by the ends as I open the novel I bought along to continue where I last left it at. I could feel some eyes on me but that didn't bother me, it seemed normal now even though the harsh part was that the only pairs of eye I wanted admiring me weren't thier any more.

"Cause I'm lost in translation, like a foreign movie in black and white" I mumbled the words mentally feeling my focus soon getting sucked in by the white pages. "Mam your coffee and thank you so much for the tip" the same girl interrupted my thoughts as I placed the book aside before passing her a soft smile and mumbling a little your welcome as she walked away to help other customers. A young male at the other corner seemed to be staring at me more intensely than ever which resulted him being embarrassed and flustered once my eyes meet his.

He looked like he was in his twenties the same as me, his hairs the same as coal but felt like the softest I've ever seen. He had stretched pale skin that didn't seem to need any extra expensive care but still remained healthy and smooth which would have definitely triggered down some females around. His face was carved out with proper utilised time as there was something very attractive about him in general even though that didn't seem to get me interested in any way. I pull back my book once again not paying attention to the other unknown faces before finding the page I previously was roaming through just before the coffee arrived,

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