Chapter 9: Reunion.

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- The Present -

“Jungkook” I replied with a smile, this would possibly be the last thing I expected to face after all that happened: meeting Jungkook on the first day of me living in the city. “You look beautiful” he coughed out a bit feeling himself getting overboard as he shamelessly stared at me even though it was more than just obvious. He changed a lot too but the only thing that didn't seem to change was his warmth that I could still feel despite the distance between us.

His face still the same as it was for what just seemed yesterday, facial bones more prominent now. His physical frame remained the same as it was before but seemed like he started spending a lot of his time working out because the blue and green veins seemed tracing down his pale skin showing off his now well built muscles. He was dressed up in a creamy purple shirt with black trousers, buttons undone and the dark hairs a bit messed up.

He also had a black scarf, the same shade as his hair and eyes which stood straightened around his neck making me wonder about the story behind the little piece of clothing wrapped around him. Underneath the dim lights of the cafe he still managed to look ethereal, his eyes still twinkled with charm, his scars still stood permanently where it was in past and he seemed to be a lot more accepting and confident with it as his hairs were slightly parted showing off his forehead that made me look much more tempting than I thought it would.

“I didn't expect to see you around here since you don't really fancy the busy ambience I believe” he said with his eyes still glued over my frame which seemed much smaller in comparison to him making me feel a bit uncomfortable for some unknown odd reason that I soon brushed off.

“I'm working here and yeah I don't but I guess things change with time”I replied not wanting to give off the details or talk about my personal life, I wasn't even sure if I would have approached him the way he approached me if I saw him before I caught his eyes.

“Oh where?” he questioned genuinely curious, “As the director at the Einar's” I replied not wanting to flex my position but his expression seemed like he was truly beyond impressed. “You never mentioned that in the letter” his voice grew small and eyes filled with a tiny bit of disappointment causing me to roll my eyes with disbelief.

“It was always me who wrote and you started getting busy with your life, how would you feel if you keep writing someone about how much you miss them and about your life to get no response? But that's not all I myself got busy with my life the same as you did” I replied looking back into his eyes, time changed and my exterior personality changed as well.

It was like a shield to me now, bold and straightforward to not allow others to take advantage of me just like how they did in past. “Right, we both got busy with our lives but I'm happy to see you once again” he smiled and stepped a bit closer causing me to step back with an awkward smile. I wasn't ready to let him in again especially with the fear of him leaving again.

“So how's life been? Any one special?” he questioned as if we were just friends, the friend who took my first kiss and virginity away, the friend who became my first love and made me believe in feelings that I only thought existed within fairy tales. “Life's been good, what about you?” I ignored the second question, feeling a bit uncomfortable to answer whether the answer stays as a yes or no.

“Life's been good too, you didn't answer my question tho” he asks once again with his eyebrows raised like he did in past when I doged over his questions, he was very well aware of most of my classic habits and knee exactly why those habits surfaced in the first place.

“Yes and no, what about you tho?” I questioned him back not paying attention to his expressions any more, he takes a seat right in front of me and places the coffee down “May I?” he questions after taking the seat. If it was the old me then I would have bursted out laughing at how cute he is but the present was different then the past, would qualify as a character development.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2022 ⏰

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