Chapter 3: Supine.

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-5 days later-

"Yes and now we need to understand the meaning of these sentences carefully because when you focus on a poetry it's not just all about the words and meaning but the feeling you as an individual feel when you place your heart and soul against those words that you stringed together or maybe someone else did, always remember that poetry is like a drug. You can never get enough of it once you start feeling it in your veins, the very essence of literature pulls you towards it" I spoke. Tutoring little aspiring kids has always been a part of my daily life schedule, I don't consider it as a charity work but instead I consider this as my own mental peace. Looking at them smiling, looking at them finally having all these unlimited resources of books which they couldn't afford but are immensely passionate about is what makes my day.

"Y/n can we get some candies if we finish this right now?" Esme stared at me with her puppy eyes hoping that I'd be convinced, but unfortunately something about her eyes or maybe just the convincing look reminded me of Jungkook out of nowhere. The day he did the same to stop me from leaving the garden, unknowingly a smile makes through my lips as I remember the scene that happened earlier but soon snapping back to reality I absent mindedly nodded causing everyone to cheer up with a burst of energetic 'woohoo' or 'yes' gaining my smile back in an instant.

It's been five beautiful days since he's been here, having him around was soon something I was getting used to on a daily basis. Maybe thier would be a point somewhere when he leaves that I would feel incomplete without him by my side talking about his new topic, questioning about my life or complaining about his.

Regardless of everything, he's been opening me up without even realising. I enjoy when he talks about himself as much as when he questions me genuinely interested to know what's on my mind. Makes me feel alive and important, makes me look forward to what would happen the next day. People around me have been noticing the changes in my mood, Jimin couldn't believe his eyes the other day when I unknowingly smiled wide to myself during our reading class. He thought I was finally possessed and even pulled me to church but instead got smacked by me. I've been wondering if this is what being attracted to someone feels like but then again attractions are of multiple types even though the most common one is the romantic attraction it happens multiple times because compatibility is clearly possible between multiple people even if you are committed but still it can't possibly be the romantic one. I just need to research a bit more and maybe then I'll find myself the conclusion.

"Okay everyone, you know where to go and I'll be thier with the treats" I exclaimed as the kids cheered up before rushing towards the garden to have themselves a proper seat and enjoy the meal after working hard even though it was just a hour but still they are very much dedicated especially for just an age of 16 year old towards thier craft and I'm sure one day all of them will reach great heights. Esme, Neil and Victor: Esme was a bright hearted girl, always cheerful and full of energy. Light brown dazzling eyes with beautiful coal black hairs, her parents were running a bakery down town so it wasn't possible for them to give her much attention knowing that she recently got blessed with a younger sibling but still the little one is blessed with words.

Neil wasn't the most talkative until it came to having a conversations with me, he promised me that he'll marry me when he was eleven and let's say he's still working over it. His parents aren't alive any more but his uncle always works hard around the miles to provide them with a good meal so he's main motive has always been to work hard and soon achieve his dreams to provide his uncle with all the necessities so that he doesn't have to work around the dirt any more. To contrast this situation finally we have Victor, the purest soul you've probably ever seen out around. He shifted back to the main city once his father married another women after the death of his birth mother.

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