Chapter 4: Clinomania.

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"Solitude, a very heavy word with a light feeling. According to Thomas Mann solitude gives birth to the original in us, to beauty unfamiliar and perilous - to poetry. But also, it gives birth to the opposite: to the perverse, the illicit, the absurd. So Jungkook it's not just about the words, it's also about the heaviness of the word and by the weight I mean what your heart carries out while speaking out that word" Namjoon cleared out my confusion regarding a sentence while I stood up still processing the information he just passed me down before mumbling a very humble thank you and proceeding to pack up everything. My mind still blank not knowing what was wrong and what's right since unfortunately it's been exactly two days ever since Y/n has been ignoring me without making it obvious.

Did I perhaps do something wrong? I wonder "Jungkook can you please ask Sophie to make some passion fruit soda tonight, my stomach has been craving some so I think I'm pregnant with Stanley's kid" Namjoon exclaimed while gently touching his non existent belly. "Hyung Stanley is a damn bonsai tree which is barely worth an inch" I rolled my eyes while chuckling at his playfulness, a part of me wishing that may be if Y/n was here watching Namjoon making fun of himself then maybe she would have laughed the same as me? That contagious chuckle that always manages to trigger down all the possible auto excitable nerve endings within my body.

"Hey you are being mean and for your information it's exactly 3 inches you brat" he huffed annoyed as I took this as a chance to escape before he makes me apologize to the three inch plant that probably is as done as I am with him. Walking onto the exterior area I finally make my way towards the reception, the female busy with her nails doesn't bother to look up until I clear my throat. She seemed like a lady from her 40s as her skin wasn't holding up to like it should have been doing, her hairs had bits of grey here and thier with a very antique watch wrapped around her wrist.

"Oh yes how may I help you Mr Jeon?" she questioned looking not as interested as she was a couple of minutes ago with her nails but neither less I slide down a dollar bill towards her before pointing towards the phone as I wasn't in mood to be vocal. "Sure" she replied even though I said nothing while grabbing onto the money and then continuing her work while I went towards the telephone to continue mine.

Dialing onto my father's number wasn't the best thing to do, I felt uncomfortable even though he was miles away sipping hot coffee and reading the same old news while waiting for my call or for my brother to be back from school. It rang exactly for three times as I kept praying for him to not pick it up because honestly I wasn't in mood to have a conversation with him, I never was in reality. But as expected he immediately picked up after the third ring. He must have been smoking in the garden to have him take this much time to pick up my call I wondered but also hoped for perhaps a helicopter to fly over the area so he wouldn't have paid attention to my call. "Jungkook?" dad called out as his fatherly instincts never once proved him wrong for what he is, he's always been very accurate with that skill at least. "Yes dad it's me, how are you?" I questioned gripping onto the counter ahead of me tight as the panic seemed to be rising within me with each passing moment.

"I'm fine, what about you son? How's your work going?" he questioned as I stood still wondering what to answer and what not even though there wasn't much to say from my side to him. "It's fine dad" I replied just mentally praying that something just comes up and he ends up ending the call to save me from this awful situation. "I miss you son" he breathes out, no you don't I wanted to say but I keep quiet because having another argument with him that too over a call is the last thing I'd want. "Did you bring someone over after I left dad?" I questioned hoping that the answer would be no but then the reason why our relationship was broken in the first place was because he can never keep a true relationship and a hearted promise.

There was a moment of silence filled with his heavy breathings which he usually does whenever he is nervous but then even though that was enough to give me an answer but still somewhere for no particular I had hope that this time the answer would be different "I-i did but I'm sorry, your brother was having a sleep over and i-i just felt the urge to" there was relief in my mind as my brother fortunately wasn't around between the flood of disappointment that just slapped my face again, laughing at my frame for having such high expectations at the same time. "You keep calling these unknown women at our place even though it's not even been three months of step ma passing, what are you even thinking? Actually you know what leave it, why should I even bother lecturing you once again when you'll say something stupid in return to only cause an ugly argument? goodbye."

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