Chapter 4: Kill the Past, Pt.1/2- Rebel Vs. Assassin

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Top: Opening Theme

Location: Stolen Atlesian Bullhead

Location: Stolen Atlesian Bullhead

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Strider POV:

Fate, the reporter lady, the camera man, and I were currently sitting in the bullhead, waiting for Syrup to land near the Schnee Manor. The camera crew were asking me and Fate questions, but we ignored them, focusing on ways on making Jacques spill the truth. Soon, I had enough of all of these questions and just simply stated....

Strider: Do you guys want to know why we are doing this?

Reporter Lady: Y-Yes! W-we do! H-how come y-you decided to-

Strider: Then use your scroll and call your bosses to allow a live broadcast from the Schnee Manor. Tell them that the story is going to be big, and that the whole world should be watching.

Reporter Lady: EEK! O-OK!

The reporter lady then pulls out her scroll, calling her bosses, and telling them about a potential story. I sighed and headed up to the front where Syrup was piloting the ship.

Strider: Are we close?

Syrup: Y-yeah. We're almost there. I-I can't believe that I'm going to see Lime again. (smiles)

Fate: Is that your fiancé's name?

Syrup: Yeah, I love her with all of my heart. We were planning to marry a few months now. I was a pilot for the Atlas military, until Ironwood "sold" me to Jacques.

Strider: Wait.... Ironwood sold you to Jacques!?

Fate: Who?

Strider: General Ironwood.... The headmaster of Atlas Academy for future heroes, and General of the entire Atlas Military. Those soldiers and drones I fought.. were part of his army.

Reporter Lady: Wait...the general is involved with the illegal transport of Faunus slavery?!? If this were distributed to the whole world, then....

Strider: Don't. If you do that, Ironwood would probably kill you without a second thought. With all of that military power he's got, he can take on any other kingdom except for Vale. If war happens, the good people in Atlas and Mantle will suffer. I'm sure of it.

Reporter Lady: B-but what are we supposed t-to do?

Strider: Just tell your bosses about the story, go back home, and do not distribute anything regarding Ironwood. I don't want innocent people to get involved.

Cameraman: Wh-what are you dudes then? Some sort of vigilantes?

Fate: I do admit our methods are questionable, but we do want to help as many people as possible. You can say we are sort of anti-heroes, but we're rebels, freedom fighters for the people who need help the most.

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