Chapter 5: Kill the Past, Pt. 2/2- To Change the World

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Top: Opening Theme

Location: Union Academy

3rd POV:

All around Union Academy, everyone started to question Weiss about her family owning Faunus slaves. She was crying. In truth, Weiss had no idea her father kept Faunus as slaves.

Weiss hated the Faunus at first, mostly the White Fang. She believed it was because of them, that her family has become so distant from each other. She lost close family friends to them, she lost her mother to alcohol because of them, she lost a seemingly-loving father to be replaced by a heartless monster because of them. She blamed everything on them, but it wasn't until she came to Union that her eyes were opened. Her teammate, Blake, is secretly a former member of the White Fang, who left due to their methods in killing to obtain peace. Soon, she came to accept Blake, not only as her teammate, but as her friend. She looked past her hatred for the Faunus and generally accepted them. It was because of that, she finally found friends. It was, until she tormented Strider, damaging her relationship with both Blake and her team leader, Ruby.

She was on the ground, crying her eyes out, as hundreds of students came barging at her with multiple insults and asking her questions to why she would keep Faunus as slaves. She couldn't reply, because she didn't. She thought that the Faunus who worked for her father were hired, but were fired at least 5 months later. Aizawa and Azazel tried to stop as many people as they could, as the rest of Team RWBY, Team JNPR, most of the ORC, and most of Class 1-A looked at her in disgust, thinking she was a part of it.

???: Attention World!

Everyone stopped, as they looked to the screen, seeing a familiar sight. The screen had Strider, as he had Jacques Schnee tied up in a chair, with Akame holding her sword near his neck, and Fate, Willow, Whitley, Syrup, and Lime stood on the right in the background.

Student 1: It's the loser again!!!

Student 2: Is that Jacques Schnee?!?

Student 3: What's going on?!?

On Screen Strider: As I am sure most of you are aware who I am, but I shall repeat it if I have to. I am Strider the Rebel! Leader of the Revolution! And I am here with Jacques Schnee, as he will confess all of his crimes to you here!

On Screen Jacques: Stupid brats! Do you know who you're dealing w-!?!

Akame twists Murasame to make Jacques know when he should speak.

On Screen Akame: Be quiet and let him speak.

On Screen Strider: Thank you. As you all know, Jacques Schnee is the CEO of the SDC, the one responsible for supplying the world with dust to every corner of the world, right? Well, how do you explain how he is able to get so much? Well, the answer is simple.

Images of Faunus working in the dust mines, being beaten, and even branded by the SDC logo, are shown on screen. Everyone watching gives out horrified gasps and faces.

On Screen Strider: As you can see, Jacques Schnee has illegally been working Faunus slaves to the bone. Making them work until they either pass out or die from exhaustion. He would brand them as his own, by marking his own companies logo onto their skin. He'd even go as far as to let the Atlas soldiers beat them until they were obedient. Here, I would like to introduce a former slave, assigned to work in the SDC mines.

Syrup walks towards the camera and clears his throat before speaking

On Screen Syrup: Ahem. H-hello e-everyone. M-my name is Syrup, a-and I-I....

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