where do i start

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This is my first story so it won't be very good xD it would mean a lot to me if u could vote and comment :).
I will be using their usernames as I will get confused with their real names.
I don't think there will be any smut in this chapter but we will see ;)

Pet names: Georgie and baby

dream pov:
Where do I start? So I live in Florida with my best friend Sapnap but my other best friend lives in London in England .

(Oh yea btw I'm British so don't mind my British spelling)

I've had a crush on George for a few months now but I'm too scared to tell him how I feel as I think it will ruin our friendship. Sapnap is the only person that knows about my liking for George.

It was late, about 4 in the afternoon when Sapnap told me that he bought tickets for us to go to England.

"Hey sap how ya doin?"
"welllll... I JUST GOT UP TICKETS TO GO TO LONDON!" Sapnap shouted so loud that the neighbours 2 doors down probably heard him.

"whut" I was so confused but at the same time extremely happy because I would finally get to meet George in person! And see his adorable pretty face.. but that's not only why.

"Yep I just bought us 2 tickets to England to see George! I think we should call him right now and surprise him."
"Ok that sounds good"


George's pov:
I was just chilling on my sofa with dog when my phone started ringing, it was dream! I hesitated for a moment before answering.
Also if you didn't know already I'm gay and I've had a crush on dream ever since I heard his voice over discord and teamspeak calls. Yes yes I know I'm a simp for voices 🙄.

(So am I George don't worry 😉)
After a few seconds I answered the call.
"Hey dream how are you?"
"HEYYYY" Sapnap screamed down the phone "WE GOT TICKETS TO COME SEE YOU IN LONDON!"

"wot? huh? Wait you joking. WHEN"

"Well I was just recording.." I was already getting lost in his voice even more than before, knowing that I would finally get to see him "George? You still there?"

"Oh yea sorry I think it glitched out a bit, can you start again? From the beginning." I blushed slightly from embarrassment.

He giggled obviously not annoyed not that he would be anyway
"Haha it's ok so basically I was just recording and then sapnap came into my room and started shouting saying he got us ticket to go see you! We were wondering if it's ok or if we should just cancel the flight because I know you don't like being rushed with these type of things." (Mmm these types of things but not seggs 😏😉)

"Oh wow that's cool, no I don't mind you guys coming over but can I ask when?" I was so excited and it was very sweet of dream to know how I don't like being rushed with some things.
"Hey Sap when are we leaving" dream asked in his adorable sleepy voice
"20th December" Sapnap said confidently

"wait that's tomorrow! You guys gotta pack right now!" I giggled and then we said goodbye and they left the call.


Sorry this chapters kinda short it's my first story tho so it's also not very good 😂 hope you guys have a good day, you are loved and beautiful/handsome make sure you have something to eat and drink :) byeeee

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