Before christmas

22 2 11

Hey guys hope your well I'm writing this in Spanish 😛
This is gonna be the smut chapter so I hope you guys enjoy also I'm a viiiiirginnnn so idk how seggs works but I've read many dnf stories to know how gæ sEgGs works 👌

Tw! - smut, fluff and swears

Hope you guys enjoy ☺️
George's pov:
I though he was just joking about loving me and kissing me but as soon as he walked over to me and held up 3 fingers I realised I was wrong...

"Suck" he said in a tantalising tone
I nodded and started swirling my tongue around. His finger touched the back of my throat and I gagged, he removed his fingers from my mouth and lined them up with my entrance.

"You ready baby? You sure you want this" he was so sweet even when it came to sex. I nodded again and he said

"I need words baby not head movements"

"Yes.. just hurry up and do it I can't wait any longer" I was becoming very impatient and honestly I didn't care if I was embarrassing myself.

"Oh someone's needy" he stared me in the eyes and smiled.
"Turn around"

I did what I was told and turned around so I was kneeling on all fours, stomach nearest the bed.

Dreams pov:
I could definitely tell he wanted me and not my fingers but he needed to be stretched out for what was coming next

Oh Lordy lord help poor gogy

I slowly pushed one finger in and slowly curled it around, scissoring his inside.

"F-fuck dream" George moaned out, his moans were beautiful, if I could I would listen to him moaning all day...

WHAT THE FUCK AM I DOING OMFG I need to stab some shit rn Sndjjfjajaiawia this is so awkward yntbkgshtycryn ~

He pulled back clearly wanting more so I pushed in a second finger making it explore his insides. Finally I pushed in the third and the moans he was making made me want to cum their and then but I held it in for the good part.

"Ngh fuck clay, just fuck me already" he managed to make a sentence while I was still expanding where I was about to go. Then I realised he called me clay and how hot that was but it was also a bit weird as he's always only called me dream.


hey I'm back I had to take a break and cry into my pillow 😛😌 anyways I'm gonna go back to writing the story :)

I jumped off the bed to go get the lube that I had in my bag.

"No wait come back" George whined as soon as I left the bed

"No georgie, I have to get the lube of it's gonna be really dry and it will hurt you"

"But what if",he said the next part really quietly "what if I sucked your dick so that you don't have to leave me"

"Georgie c'mon your so quiet speak up baby"

"can't I just suck your dick so u don't have to leave me.."

I smirked at him and he was blushing very hard

"Ok baby but it would've only been for like 10 seconds" I chuckled at what he said.

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