The day before christmas

19 1 2

Hey sorry I'm a bit late doing this I just needed a break for a while, hope you guys are well!


Tw!! - fluff, swearing and mention of smut

dreams pov:
I can't believe he heard George and I, I swear George said his walls were sound proud but maybe that wasn't for his room.

I tried to forget about it so I ran around to the beach and to the store, I picked up a few things as I wanted to make dinner when I got back home.

(Ok this is irrelevant but able sisters just came on while I was writing this, 19:39 pm 😂)

I grabbed some garlic, pasta and red wine. I also though it would be smart if I bought some lube as well just in case anything happened in the next few days/weeks.

George's pov:
As I walked out of the bedroom looking like a hot mess, I saw sapnap staring at me.



tommy fans you know what to- JUMP IN THE CADDILAC!!!


"Hi" sapnap replied with a cheery voice.

"Where did dream go?" I was so confused where else would he be, the kitchen and lounge were in the same room separated by a half wall and he wasn't their.

"he went for a 'run'" when he said run he did the quote hands thingy so I was kinda confused

"Look George I don't wanna embarrass you guys but I heard everything and if I'm being honest I'm proud of you guys that you finally realised you were good for each other"

He genuinely did sound happy and proud. I smiled at him and said

"Oh.. thanks but we're not dating."

"Oh lol I hope you do start dating soon"

"Yeaaa.. was I loud?"

"Ha very" I grimaced at what he said, that SO fricking embarrassing.

Just as I was walking to the sofa the door opened and dream came in with a few bags?

"Hey Georgie and Sir sap"

"Ello" Sapnap replied

"Hi" I said kinda quietly because I still was extremely embarrassed by my recent conversation with Sapnap.

"I went for a run and then got us some food, I thought I would cook dinner for you guys tonight!"

"Oh nice what is it?"

I looked over at the bags and saw a bottle of lube, I blushed at the sight but covered my face with my sleeves,


"I thought I would make you a Floridian meal my mum used to make me when I was little! It's a garlic pasta with red wine, I always used to pretend to bed drunk after I ate it heheh" he chuckled as he finished his sentence

"Oh that's sounds really nice!"

"it is I had it at his house once but I don't think he's as good a cook as his mum"

"Oh shut up Sapnap I'm a better cook than my mum ok just you wait"

I just rolled my eyes and smiled at them. I loved listening to their childish arguments because it was always funny and about the stupidest thing.

Yassssss Heather - Conan Gray just came on!!!!! Such a vibe

I tried to hide the limp as I walked over to the island to sit by sapnap who was scrolling through Twitter on my phone.
Yes on my phone but it's ok because i trust that sapnap wouldn't do anything.

"Hey Sap can I have my phone quickly I just need to check something"

Oh my Tubbo just started streaming! Today is a gud day

"Yea sure" he quickly close Twitter and swiped up like he was trying to hide something.

It was kinda sus so I decided to go check Twitter and saw my notifications were literally being spammed. I clicked on what happened and saw a dnf post and my reply saying 'hot'...

"SAPNAP WHAT THE HELL" I screamed at him because I was so mad! I wanted to keep things between me and dream secretive for a while.


"WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU COMMENT THAT" I swear I heard bad shout language but he wasn't even he so I ignored it.

"I was just saying the truth also I forgot it was your account soz"


"wut? SAPNAP WHAT THE HELL DUDE?" now dream started to get mad


"Look guys I'm really sorry I thought I was on my account and the fanart was really cool so I just decided to say it! Can you guys pwettt pweeeeaseee forgive me" he made a pouty face as he said this.

"Ok fine I've forgiven you BUT you can't say anything else ok? And I can't delete because over a million people have seen it now." Dream sounded pretty pissed but I'm sure he was fine.

Ew my dog just licked my toe.         👅🦶

Sapnaps pov:
I felt really bad about what just happened but I promise I didn't mean to. I swore I had changed to my account but maybe I had forgotten...

"I'm gonna go chill out and call Karl in the spare room cya guys. And I'm sorry again about what happened"

"Aight bye" George sounded fine even though he didn't look the most happy

Text time!!!


Sapnap: hey karlyyyy u wanna call? I miss you 😔🥺

Karl💕: hellooo babi!

Karl💕: I'm really sorry but I can't call        rn, I can text tho :]

Sapnap: thatz fine ily

Karl💕: ly too :>

20:16 pm

Karl💕: hey I'm leaving the airport now! Can't wait to see you tmmro

Karl💕: did you get me a present? hehe

Sapnap: ofc I have

Sapnap: have you? heehee

Karl💕: yessir

Sapnap: good bye I'll come pick you up now ly byeeeee

Karl💕: oki byeeeee ly2


Hey so I'm gonna finish this up here for now as I've got really bad heart burn atm and it hurts a lot an I'm just gonna take a quick break :>

Next chapter should be out tomorrow night :)

Love u guys! Byeeee remember you are loved 🥰



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