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Hi! Hope you guys are well, this chapter is gonna be very interesting 😏

TW! - swearing fluff and roughness

Time skip but backwards to when they met at the airport ~
Dreams pov:
I was so happy to finally meet George he was absolutely beautiful, I knew he would look better in real life but I didn't know how much that could change a person. Of course I'm not saying George was ugly but he's just so pretty in person, his light freckles and his chocolate brown eyes that I could get lost in forever.

After a while of talking I remembered our bet and and swept George up and kissed him passionately on the lips.

The kiss felt like it went on forever.

Time skip to when sapnap left to get the luggage ~

Still dreams pov:
"Hey Georgie we should probably go find sapnap and help him out with the bags" I smiled at him and he smiled me, god his smile was so perfect everything about him was perfect his nose, his jawline, his eyes and mostly his lips (😏hehehe)

"Yep, oh I'll go order a taxi I'll be waiting for you guys outside."

"Aight bye love you!" I didn't realise what I said until I said it, but to my surprise he rolled his eyes and said it back

"Love you too" he tutted as he strolled over to the door.


Sapnaps pov:

"Hey man! Whats up with George then?" I winked at him because I saw it all and I knew everything there was to know

"Oh um he just went to order a taxi he told us to meet him outside, let's go" he blushed a bit as he spoke

"Ok but like what happenedddd.. you know what I mean" I was trying not to be annoying but it wasn't really working so I just left it

"Never mind I'll tell you later. Anyway let's go it's cold here and I don't wanna keep George waiting" before I could answer he picked up his bags and headed to the door, me closely following behind


George's pov:

As I was paying the taxi driver, dream and sapnap walked out the door holding all their luggage, dream was holding something? A package? Damn his package was big... I meant that package was big, I sighed as I knew he was just joking about loving me and the kiss was just for the money.

(uh oh I should not have put that 😛🥲 I'm disappointed in myself (the package part))

I got in the front seat and dream and sapnap were in the backseat, my apartment wasn't the biggest and it only had 2 rooms, my room and a spare. At least there were 2 separate bathrooms.

Karl was coming a few days later for New Years so I'm not sure where he'll sleep but hopefully I can work out how to unfold the couch into a sofa bed.

As we were walking up the stairs to the apartments, I felt dreams hand brush against mine. His warmth made me want more, I just wished he felt the same way about me as I did to him and all of this wasn't just a joke.

He smiled at me reassuringly, did he know I liked him? Did he like me?

I got my keys out of my pockets and they jangled as I put them into the door and unlocked my home.

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