the meetup

21 2 6

TW - kissing and swearing
No smut in this chapter but planning on if for the chapter after this ;) also there will be more smut a few chapters later and I want to balance it out a bit!
Enjoy ~

Sapnap's pov:
As we left the call I realised dream was blushing, I couldn't tell if it was just because the house was really hot and he was wearing a hoodie or because he got to see George's face.
Anyway I stopped thinking about it as it's none of my business even tho I kinda want to know more...

time skip like an hour later ~

As I was rolling my suitcase to the door I decided to go check on dream to see if he was alright, he was scrolling through Twitter liking and replying to comments.
"Ayo dream, you packed yet?" I asked
"Yep my bags and suitcase are by the door, do you think that George likes me? I'm just nervous because I feel like I'll do something stupid"

"Umm dream, ofc you'll do something stupid, your dream" I giggled at my own words "anyway I'm sure he likes you too. I can't say too much but he's told me a few times on FaceTime that he really likes youuuuu"
I wasn't lying but he probably thought I was as I said it in a teasing voice.

"Hmm ok then, I don't really believe you but I will for now. Anyway what time is our flight?"

"Flights at 8:45 tomorrow morning so you better be ready."

"Yeah yeah, I'm ready. I think I'm gonna go to bed soon but I'll make us some Mac n cheese."

He knew how much I loved Mac n cheese, honestly he is one of the best friends in the world...

Time skip to the next morning (5 am)

dreams pov:
I woke up so excited to meet George we joked about what we would do when we met up and I said I would kiss him, sapnap bet $15 I wouldn't and George bet $20 I wouldn't so it looks like I'm gonna be getting $35 today!

"Hey sap, get up we have to leave soon it's ten past five" I said half asleep

Sapnap just groaned and said
"ugh fine but I really don't wanna get up"

"I made waffles for breakfast..."

"With syrup?" Sapnap asked eagerly

"yes, with syrup!"

Sapnap looked at me and then at the door and then abruptly got up and skipped out of the room. I was just left wheezing in my room.

sorry but another time skip to when they arrived in England about 2:30 in the afternoon ~

George's pov:
I scanned the bag collecting area looking for a tall 6'3 man next to a 5:11 annoying bitch looking ass Sapnap

Sapnap and I liked to argue a lot but of course it was all banter and we were just having fun.

Suddenly a deep Floridian voice spoke up behind me and placed his hand on my shoulder "Hey Georgie!" I jumped from the sudden touch "whoah sorry, you okay?"

"Oh um yea sorry" he probably saw me checking him out but I didn't care his was so fucking handsome and tall and just PERFECT!

This guy would totally make lesbian girls straight like wow. His jawline was perfect and looked so sharp like it could cut through a cake, his eyes a deep yellow (probably green) and his fluffy dirty blonde hair groomed perfectly

"George? I know I'm handsome and all but you've been staring at me for about two minutes now" he giggled

"Oh yea... I'm so sorry it's just I've never seen what you look like and I.. I uh I didn't expect you to be so.. perfect"

"Perfect? Thank you! Also it's alright I should have know you've never seen me"

"You do realise I'm here too?" Sapnap said with a slight annoyed tone

"SAPNAP!" I ran up to him  and hugged him

"Woah woah! Hello to you too"

I looked back to dream he was beautiful he looked back at me and we made eye contact. I wanted to look away our eyes were drawn to each other. Suddenly he ran over to me picked me up and his me right on the lips.. I kissed back. The kiss was passionate and full on longing, it seemed he waited so long to do that.

"Well I'm gonna go find out bags... you guys just carry on with whatever this is oh and dream here's you €15" he rolled his eyes but smiled at the sight of us.

This is a quick phot sapnap took of us 🙄

This is a quick phot sapnap took of us 🙄

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