Please read..

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Hey so I don't think I'm going to continue this fanfic just because writing isn't really my thing and I'm not feeling too great at the moment..

One reason, my boyfriend was cheating on me with the girl who bullied me half my life then broke up with me..

Second reason, my anxiety has been getting really bad lately and I just need some time off to relax

Third reason, my great grandma died a few days ago and the whole house is a bit upside down rn
(My sister has anger issues and fights with my parents a lot.)

As a younger sister I find this quite much and scary

I hope you guys understand. Ily guys sm thank u :>

I know I'm updating this again and you might think this is a bit strange as I've already talked about some of the bad things that are going on...

I loved making this story even tho I'm going through a hard time and I just wanted to thank u guys so much

My ex best friend isn't doing so well and I think she might commit. I know I shouldn't say this but it is my fault as I left her. I feel so bad but I had to leave her as my anxiety was getting worse because she used to mock me, scare me and make fun of me.

Thank u guys so much again, reading the comments makes me laugh so much :)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2021 ⏰

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