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It's been two weeks since my wedding day, father left at dawn the very next day, not even saying goodbye, he just left me a letter reminding me again of his promise to take care of the whore and the control he will always have over me and my siblings. I only see Oberyn once a day, when we dine together, apparently it is a requirement for Dornish couples, we speak of our routines and discuss our duties as prince and princess, all very political and horribly boring.

My only comfort are the gardens, my ardens, I am so grateful for Dorian to have it made for me. As for Ellaria, she has avoided crossing my path at all costs, as for Oberyn's daughters... Well I am to meet the four oldest today for tea and sweets. "Elyn, call for Henry please" She leaves my chambers and comes back minutes later with my stoic northern man, "You called, my lady?"

"Henry, can you please go to the vault and get the weapons I had made in Tyrosh for my husbands daughters and take them to my garden" he didn't say a word just nodded and left the room, always so serious.

Once in my gardens I could not help but feel nervous, Cersie would laugh so hard at me for feeling this way, but I can't help it. Like I said before, in a way they are now my daughters too. Tayta stood besides me, waiting for Elyn to come back with the girls. I hear footsteps and shortly after there they are, four beautiful young ladies, by the gods what in the hells are they wearing, rags?! They all looked doubtful as they approached me, once they did they made what I can only assume is an attempt to courtesy. "Hello girls, I am delighted the four of you"

The eldest, Obera, spoke first, "Forgive my rudeness Lady Martell, but why are we here... do you plan to chastise us and remind us of our inferior position? If so, that won't be necessary, Lady Ellaria has already taken care of it, we know what we are, bastards. My sisters and I will keep our heads low." Ellaria chastised them, with what authority? The one between her legs?

A moment of complete silence and I can't help but smile at the four young wronged girls in front of me. "My dear girls you have been wronged in so many ways it's quite shameful from my husband. I called you not to chastise you Obera, but to teach you and right those wrongs." their faces drop. I reach over and take a sip from my tea before I continue

"You will learn your first three leasons today... Firstly, that woman is powerless, the entirety of hert self-proclaimed power comes from between her legs. I am your father's wife and princess of Dorne. Second, unless you are about to surprise your lover or murder you enemy, you will never keep you heads low. You are daughters of the great Red Viper and most importantly as of two weeks back you are also daughters of the Wild Lioness. Third, do not EVER use that disgusting word in my presence, especially to describe yourselves, bastard is a cruel word, and you are beautiful girls... my girls"

Shock, it is written all over them. I did not break eye contact with them when Sarella, the youngest, started crying, shit sometimes I forget I have Cersie's glare and temper. And she speaks, "Does this mean you will be our mother? You will protect us?" I look into her eyes and make the single most important promise in my lifetime "I will" Nymeria, second eldest, takes a deep breath and utters a single word "Why?"

"By marriage you are my daughters and I will care for you as such... I understand that you would not trust a stranger much less if she is a lion. I have thought of us meeting since I first found out of who I was marrying... I brought you gifts from my travels, I hope you can one day see me as more than a wife" I need to be more than just a wife.

"Henry, Mordred, bring forth the gifts." They carried the chest forward and when Elyn and Tayta extended some of the dresses their eyes widened and their smiles were the single most precious thing, but nothing as priceless as the laugh that left all four of them in pure bliss when they saw the weapons I had made for them in dragonstone.

Tyene asks with a weapon in hand "Will you train with us?" Obera tentatively turned to me, "Are you allowed to train as a lady?" aww, my sweet innocent girls, "Yes Tyene I will, and no Obera ladies are not normally allowed to train in such a thing, but I am different. I will also teach you about high society and how to survive in it, as ladies you have much to learn. Mark my words girls, you will be grand"


A month has gone by since I met my daughters and it has been pure bliss, after a week they started trusting me more. We train together once a week and I teach them the ways of court, like Cersie taught me, whenever I have time. Despite my shared time with them, Oberyn has never wanted to talk about the girls over dinner, does he not care or does he resent me for wanting a relationship with them?

Today I am going to show them my vault, filled in its entirety with treasures from my travels. Sarella immediately ran to the array of weapons in the back "My lady, where are all of these from?" Tyene gazed at the dozen beautiful dresses and asked the same "What about all these dresses my lady?"

"Well Sarella, those were all gifts from the noblemen I met, word spread fast that I could wield a sword so they gained my favor with those. As for the dresses Tyene, some I bought myself but in its majority they were also gifts from the noblewomen" Nymeria gazed at stacks of books that fill the west wall "And all these books and... journals" those are the best part "Those my dear Nymeria, are my single most valuable collection. Books of history and ancient tales from all over Essos, along with an exact one hundred journals in which I recorded the entirety of my travels"

Obera smiles at me and says "Will you tell us about your travels?" And Sarella chipped "Oh! And read to us at night" how sweet my daughters are "I would love to, my girls" They continued asking questions, about paintings, golden objects, and jewelry when Toko barged into the vault panting and with fear in his eyes, "Toko, what is it?" he takes a deep breath and says "His Majesty, King Robert, is dead"

All air leaves my lungs in seconds, hands on my torso, forcing air back in, "Oh gods..." Jeoffrey will be king now, and Cersie Queen Mother... "Toko I need to send a letter to my sister, get my fastest bird. Now! Guard! Find my husband and send him to my chambers.  Mordred, prepare the ship, I sail to my sister tomorrow at dawn" *deep breath* I turn to the girls, smile and say with a calmer voice, "My daughters, your septas will be here in two days time to continue your education, I chose them myself, you will listen to them and you will learn to be proper high ladies." I stormed out the vault and to my chambers. "Elyn, Tayta! Make sure everything is ready for the journey tomorrow"

Fuck! Father will leave for Kings Landing the second he hears, I should be there with Cersie... why must Dorne be so far away from her?!

Three hours have gone by and while Elyn packs the chests I give Tayta a list of things from my vault that need to be on board that ship. When Oberyn came through my door "You called Flower? What is going on?" you finally show up. "Where were you beloved?" "On a stroll with Ellaria" of fucking course.

"Well our king is dead. I have ordered for our ship to be ready, we set sail tomorrow at dawn" he looked at me like I had two heads "I'm not going to King's Landing Flower." what?!


What did you think? Please vote and comment. Dollies my life is hectic at the moment, I will not be able to stick to Sunday updates, instead I will try weekly updates. 

Stay tuned, there are more songs to be played.

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