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"The death of our king is no joking matter beloved, we must go show our support you our new king" I stare right into his eyes as he does mine and with a completely serious face he speaks, "I never cared for that old drunk and I certainly don't care for the slimy git that will take his place" "How dare you speak in such a way. Your brother can't make an appearance for obvious reasons and you do not have a good enough one to miss the funeral for our king, old drunk or not."

"Of course I have a good reason... Ellaria is going into labor any day now and I must be by her side" are you fucking kidding me?! "You are staying behind to hold your whore's hand instead of showing you support to your WIFE and her family in mourning?" I say with disbelief in my tone "Wake up Oberyn! You are a nobleman, a PRINCE! Your responsibilities as such must always come first, the world is bigger than your shared chambers with her and the pleasure she gives you"

"Choose your next words carefully flower" I am done with your  idiocy "NO! I am done with your childish ways. Do you have no honor? You are a disgrace, your people and the entirety of Westeros sees you as nothing but a whore, and with such have lost respect for Dorne... the only salvageable quality about this Kingdom is ME, the priced daughter of Tywin Lannister..." This is just ridiculous "You are not coming tomorrow, you will only embarrass me further... think very carefully about my words beloved, choose who you want to be to your kingdom and to your daughters... a whore or a warrior prince... Now get out"

I turn my body away from him, and seconds later the door slams, you are going to give me grey hair beloved. 


He didn't even show me off at dawn the day after our fight. With my crew's experience we arrived in King's Landing in record time. Jaime welcomed me at the docs, but the moment we got to the Keep I made a v-line to Cersies chambers, she must play the part of grieving widow but I know her better, when I get there I don't like what I see. "I don't understand you. You should be delighted that he is gone but you look uneasy, what is going on?" she is pacing and that is never good, it means death, always.

"Lord Stark is asking questions" fuck "About who sired the kids?" she nods, well this is not good. We are both silent for a moment when she speaks "I have to kill him" see? Pacing means death for someone. "You will not kill Eddard Stark Cersie, you can't afford to have the North as your enemy" she stops dead in her tracks "Then what do you expect me to do Davina?! Wait until he figures it out and kills me and my children?!" alright, good point.

I stay silent for a couple of minutes, I know "Run." she looks at me bewildered "What?" yes, run. "Eddard Stark, Warden of the North, is the embodiment of honor, his honor will be the death of him I am sure, but by the gods he will not be the death of you... I have a villa in Tyrosh, nobles there are great friends and do not care for Westerosi politics, you will be safe the rest of your life" she laughs, one so chilling that challenges that of our father "I will not run Davina, I am a Queen"

"Fine, if you do not run you will either die or start a war in an attempt to keep yours and Jaime's secret. Your husband might have been crowned king, but it was the North and HIS banner men who won the war against the Mad King" she reaches for the wine pitcher, her third cup since my arrival "Those are not my only options, I will think of something." very well then. I walk out her chambers and search for the Stark girls.


The younger Stark I find with a wooden sword in hand and... trousers?! I watch from the shadows, her teacher is skilled, reminds me of Jaqen back in Braavos, her form is horrible but she has potential. I hear her teacher say "What do we say to the god of death" Jaqen used to say that, I say "Not today" and emerge from the shadows and Arya composes herself in my presence. The man looks surprised "That is a Braavosie slang, how do you know of it Wild Lioness?" little Arya looks at me with big eyes "I had a teacher in Braavos that said the same thing"

"Who was your teacher Lady Lannister?" hmm, well "No one... and it is Lady Martell now." Her teacher looked surprised at my answer, he too knows of the faceless men as he is Braavosie. "Lady Arya Stark, word of advise; you are small but fast... it is better to strike once in the throat or poke him full of holes before the enemy beheads you" she looks back and says "I thought you would be disappointed at my actions like my father or your sister" haha "Why? I myself have trained my entire life and no one has ever said anything about it... if anyone ever does say anything to you, send me a raven... you will find I am nicer than my sister in some regards."  She bows, very poorly "Thank you Wild Lioness" I smile and walk out the room while I say "Keep training Little Wolf and you will be fierce" one down, one to go.


Sansa I find in the gardens, she and her sister are complete opposites, Arya is a warrior at heart while Sansa's entire persona, as rumors say, relies on her being a perfect lady of court, how incredibly boring. Talking and exchanging pleasantries is tolerable enough, any other day at court for us ladies but I must tell her why I truly sought her out "Sansa you are a beautiful girl that will one day be a great wife and mother, but I do not want your entire life to be about serving your husband" she looks lost "But I want it to be my life, I will be the best wife I can to my beloved Jeoffrey, besides...  Is there anything else in life to do, Lady Martell?" aw sweet girl.

"I will not tell you how to live Sansa, but I do want to give you some advice... Keep your eyes and ears open, the court is a dangerous place. You must always have a plan that puts you on top and if you don't, you must make everyone think that you do. I may be a Lannister but I will do my best to help you in the future" she smiles with eyes so pure and innocent "Thank you my Lady, but what could possibly happen while I am Queen?" so much, especially if you never actually get to be queen, "Just remember Sansa, that with me you will always be safe" I must keep all my cards alive after all.

"So I can write to you and ask for advice when I wed?" bingo, "But of course, tell you what... I will order that a personal messenger be hired for you and I, would you like that?" she hops in joy "Oh yes, I would love it... and I will always listen to your advice" perfect, you were so easy, life is going to give you a terrible lesson I know it "Yes we shall be good friends, but I also urge you to look at my sister, she has been queen for some time now. Watch and learn, there is always more to learn" and there is even more to lose.


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