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Davina POV

There was no real problem with the ship, however it was a good thing that we went to check on things. Brienne and I got the chance to settle things down with the crew and get most of our luggage onboard. Now we are returning to Casterly Rock, and I can't stop moving my leg up and down, get it together Davina, gods.

"Pff, nervous are we?" I turn to Brienne and she has the biggest fucking smirk plasted in her face, so I sneer in return "Oh shut up, I just... argh, I mean why do I even have to meet him? Hm?! We are leaving in two bloody days! Why couldn't he stay in his bloody desert of a home, keep fucking everything that moves on his way, like I know he will, and meet me in six years. When we actually have to marry?!" I say exasperated.

"Wow, okay stop" she makes me halt my horse and turn to see her now worried face. There is a silence  "Davina, I know you don't want to marry that man, but you still have six years! Which we are gonna spend far away in Essos doing whatever the seven hells we want because no one will know us. Don't give him much importance, just act as if you are okay with the whole thing, say a few pretty words, bat your eyelashes, and forget about him the moment we set sail!" wait, I have time, we have time. Ha, idea!

"Brienne of Tarth, you are absolutely brilliant!" "Uhm, thanks? Why?" I turn to my friend with a real smile, and a hint of mischief in my eyes "Oh gods, that face is never a good sign" "Oh hush, I have a plan. *smirk* I have a proposition for my future husband, one I'll make sure he cannot not refuse" as we head inside the castle grounds, you are in for a surprise Viper. 


Oberyn POV

The soldiers were right, this city is filled with brothels, which is where I have spent the last two days of our little visit to the lion's den. However today Doran didn't let me leave the castle grounds because my betrothed was coming home for one night before she leaves, come on you just have to withstand her for a night and half a day "This is going to be a very long day."

Doran chuckles at my comment and exasperated look "She is not that bad brother, I actually had quite a nice time in her company" "Yeah, well as I said before. I don't have to like her just to withstand her before she leaves" With that I leave my brother, and make my way to the gardens. I hate to admit it but they are very beautiful and a good place to think. "What was even the point in this journey? I could be home with my daughters, but no *sigh* Doran is such a pain sometimes"

My peace is interrupted suddenly, as I hear a commotion is happening in the gates, just great, she's back. "Let the game continue little flower" I start making my way to the front gates, when I see her. By the gods she is beautiful, she looks like a true lioness riding her horse with a bow, quiver, and sword strapped to her back, dismounting on her own, giving out orders, yeah that's her alright. "Ah, I see where you got your nickname, wild lioness, how very intriguing" let's have some fun.


Davina POV

After I took a long, hot bath, I found myself talking nonstop with Brienne, Elyn, and Tayta. We are all so very anxious and excited about starting this six year adventure, but of course the subject came up as Brienne asked "Davi, you said you had a proposition for Oberyn. What is it?" My two handmaidens looked wide eyed at me "What?, you have a plan? " Elyn asked a bit angry "And why in the glory of the seven haven't you told us?" Tayta acted hurt as she held onto her chest for dramatics.

I readjusted myself in my long sofa *sigh* "Relax will you, it's not much of a plan, but a way to ensure peace in the following years" Tayta scoffs in her cushion near the table "Pff, peace? Whatever for? Tomorrow is our last day here, just ignore the man" we all laughed at this.

Elyn added "Yeah, what is he gonna do if you don't make peace, forbid you from leaving, not even you bastard god brother of a King could stop you Davi." Brienne says disappointed "He is a drunken bastard isn't he? Fucking every poor servant girl that serves him wine."

Haha, I love my friends, we laughed some more when Brienne interrupted "Davi you are probably the most stubborn woman in all of the Seven Kingdoms, but you are also quite smart. Everything you do, you do for a reason, so what is it?" dam, you know me well Brie.

"Fine, I do. Oberyn Martell is well known across Westeros for his sexual appetite, right? Well, I am to be his wife, and I don't look forward to him having multiple lovers, and have zero respect towards me. I mean, I see it with my sister and her marriage, I don't want to live like that. I can't be trapped in a loveless, selfish, vain marriage. I would rather die than live and be nothing but someone's miserable wife."

I take deep breaths to calm myself, and my friends all look at me with concern and pity, agh I hate pity "I want to make peace with him, to build somewhat of an agreement or relationship of sorts. So that when I come back and marry him, he would have grown to respect me as a woman," assuming it works out.

There is a silence, as they take it all in "So what do you want us to do?" Elyn asked, the three looked determined to help. "*sigh* Most of it is on my own, however, after we break fast tomorrow, get him to meet me in my gardens for lunch, and make sure no one is around."


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