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A month, we have been at sea and I came to the realization that... once again a will have to fight everyone around me to get even a shred of freedom, and that fight starts today the moment I reach port and rejoin my father in Casterly Rock.

-- Naejot se gods nyke jorepagon, kirimvose syt granting ñuha crew se nyke rytsāri during īlva journey, kirimvose syt letting nyke glaesagon freely syt iā couple hen jēdri. Sir nyke māzigon arlī lenton, naejot dohaeragon ñuha purpose se dīnagon se Peldio Melne. Rȳbagon ñuha jorepagon (To the gods I pray, thank you for granting my crew and I health during our journey, thank you for letting me live freely for a couple of years. Now I come back home, to serve my purpose and marry the Red Viper. Hear my prayers.)--

From the deck I can already see Lannisport, I don't know if it's the nerves of coming back or the fact that my wedding is all that closer but I haven't spoken a word all day and Morgana noticed "Davi. Tell me what is wrong" I don't know.

"What are you talking about Morgana? I'm just excited to see my father and brother again" right? "Davina Lannister I may be blind but I see everything, you are distraught by our sudden return and what it will bring upon you"

"Jaqen always did say you see more than the rest of us" she rested her hand on top of mine in the railing "After he took my love and my eyes I do see better because I pay attention, so I'm going to ask you again... what is wrong my friend?"

"It is true that I am frightened for mine and my family's life, but that is a common occurrence in Westeros... but my wedding, Oberyn, Ellaria, his daughters, my sister's plans... Morgana I have birds that feed me valuable information in every corner of the world, however, when I look at my life and the people in it, at times I feel powerless and it bothers me to no end"

Oh, how I wish I could run into your arms, wish you could hold me again Johna.


The moment the doors closed behind me I ran to my big brother, jumped into his arms and let him hold me tight "How I have missed you baby sister, you've grown to be such a beautiful woman" he stroked my cheek like he did when I was a child. "I have missed you too big brother, where is father?"

At the mention of our father I saw him flinch "Waiting for you in the throne room, I'll see you tonight for dinner" and he walked away.

"Mental note; ask Jaime what our father did while I was away" with that in mind I set off in search of my father.

The moment the throne room's doors opened I heard him "Leave us!" warm as ever father. When the last servant closed the doors he walked to me and gave me one of his rare smiles.

"My child, my little girl you are home" and he hugged me. The great Tywin Lannister is the best general in a battlefield but the thickest in emotions, so when he does show it is special, this hug is special.

"Your letters were reassuring but not nearly enough to keep me at ease while you were in that savage land" haha, they are not savages "I'm here now, two years earlier and with a wedding to plan" gods have mercy.

Looking out my window to the sea, I kept thinking... After setting my father's and sibling's gifts aside it was time for dinner, and by the gods it was tense.

Jaime could not hold eye contact or a decent conversation with our father, it was as if it pained him to look him in the eye. When I tried to talk to him after dinner he left in a rush, claiming to be tired.

"My Lady, what are you doing out of bed at this hour?" Elyn said from the threshold. "I could ask you the same thing Elyn" she shuffled to my dresser and brought me a coat for the night's chill. "I thought you to be distant after you had dinner with my Lords"

"Maybe it's nothing, just the jitters of being back... My father did say that I set sail to Sunspear in two days, my wedding should take place in little over two weeks after I arrive" so soon but i guess it is better to get it over with "Two weeks?! How?!"

"Tywin Lannister is always one step ahead, you know this Elyn... he already had all the arrangements agreed upon with Prince Dorian weeks after our departure, when he got my letter that I was coming back he set everything in motion... he promised me a perfect wedding" whatever that means.

"Elyn, do me a favor, can you go check on Johna's family... I reckon his little brother, Cassius, should be married by now... his father's business should be doing fine, also his mother's health... I haven't heard of them in so long" gods, has it really been so long since I saw them last.

Elyn's look was one of sorrow and sympathy at my request "After all these years, you still care, my Lady?"

"Of course I do... I promised Johna I would always look after his family"


This morning while breaking fast with father I gave him his biggest present, a war cloak "It is handmade from the finest and rarest of silks from Norvos's mountains... It is said that clothing made out of it can withstand sword clashes and even dragon's fire" not that there are any drago's left of course.

"A war cloak that showcases both power and strength... you know me so well daughter" you are kind of predictable, father.

"My dear I have to meet the council shortly, but we will have the afternoon all to ourselves" what a gift "Then maybe you can tell me more about my wedding arrangements, and what my dress will look like" since I know nothing about it.

Not even a full day's rest and I'm once again packing everything from Essos and Casterly Rock for Sunspear. Setting apart everything when Elyn came in with puffy eyes from crying, Tayta immediately rushes to her side and guides her to a seat but she refuses.

Instead she approaches me and kneels, head low "My Lady... Davina... I am so terribly sorry *snif*"

Gods, Johna's family. I can not utter a word, afraid of that which I know to be true "They are all gone, assassinated in their own state while they held a celebration to your love's birthday" no.

"No, not them... I- I-" everything began to disappear around me "I promised him" as I made my way to the balcony I felt someone's arms around my waist holding me in place.

Wet, tears... running without shame down my face... "I failed him... again"

I haven't screamed in pure horror since the night I found the love of my life lying in a pool of his own blood... it feels as if I am losing him all over again... and I screamed, one full of hatred, heartbreak, sorrow, emptiness...




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