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"Have you made your decision?" Once again I am laying by the window, Daario with me, looking at our four possible allies.

"My Ladyship there is something you should know before you buy us, we are a family and we..." they look nervous, fools if they don't want this.

After a long silence, I am not liking their hesitation "Well? Yes or No. It is very simple, I'm surprised you are this hesitant"

"I have a son," the lighterman said abruptly. Oooohh I understand "Yes it doesn't matter, I'll buy him as well, truly that is not an inconvenience, after all, you could still walk free after I leave."

This is starting to get tiring, even now they look hesitante, Daario spoke now "Why do you not accept? She is giving you everything you could want, a promise of a good job or your freedom... and yet you doubt her, maybe we should look for others who are more willing my dear."

Hmm, no, the curly haired hair is the one I want. She is going to be of great help in the future.

"No! I mean yes, my Ladyship we accept, we will follow you back to Westeros and be loyal, mistress" loyalty is a very fragile thing, do they have what it takes though to work for me?

"Well, now I have my own doubts. As to if you truly are good and resilient enough to work under my care." the dark man stepped forward "We do mistress. Furthermore since you are a noble I predict our job will be to get information out of someone, we've done all our lives, please mistress." good.

"Alright, I will buy the five of you. However you are not to meet me in Sunspear until a year's time" I still have to make a quick stop in Casterly Rock.

"Now that it is settled, what do you say you start training dear" Daario said in a low hoarse voice as he laid kisses all over my neck.

"We should but first... names"


"My Ladyship, you must always look deep into his eyes, it drives them crazy, it ignites their primitive urge to dominate" Ney explained as she straddles Daario, Nesa by my side helping me choose dresses to provoke Oberyn in the future.

"It is not about batting your eyelashes, if not you must move your entire body, let him have a good view and then walk away. Tease him and eventually he will cede" Sekel chirped in now as he laid by the window enjoying my wine.

"Would he truly leave his mistresses' side if I tease him?" Yano looked at me pensively before answering "I'm not familiar with the ways of Westeros my Lady, but it has always worked for us." it won't be enough.

"No it won't work, he is notorious for his sex drive, teasing won't be enough... but what will?" How can I make him look at me? "My father ordered his sister's murder, he despises my family name, tell me how to make him look past that?"

"I don't think he truly despises you for your family name, if he did he never would have agreed to marry you... perhaps he just needs to see you for you"

See me? But who even am I besides a Lannister?

"How did you end up here, you are far smarter than the common whore in the streets, and I know that you can both write and read... so what happened" they should have come from high families.

Yano came and stood by my side as Ney and Nessa pleasured Daario in our bed "We were all children of wealthy merchants, we traveled together all through Essos, until our company was attacked by some Dorthraki just outside Pentos, no one wanted four orphaned children who refused to let go of each other. So we were sold to Lord Sexn when we were eight. Our parents taught us how to read and write before their deaths"

Hearing Daarios groans besides me and Ney's moans, my mind started to blur but I forced it back to our conversation "And Sekel's child?" I wonder what he looks like "He was born out of a regular customer of his five years ago but she was wealthy and simply dropped off the babe, he hasn't seen her since." how tragic for the boy, to not know your mother can be one of the biggest pains in the world, I should know.

Our conversation, as informative as could be, was starting to lose importance, Daario's grans continued and I had to rub my legs, hoping for some relief "Sekel, our lady needs being tended to, shall we?" not waiting for my response, Yano scooped me into his arms and laid me down next to Daario on our bed...


The next month and a half was spent just like that, late talks about our lives and release at the end of the story. I learned that Sekel's boy is named Geltru, most of all I learned about Daario and his harsh path in life, how he became such a skilled fighter and brilliant strategists, he could definitely go against Jaime in battle knowledge.

Other nights like this one the four of them would not come, I want to spend as much time with Daario as I can master before I leave at the end of the week. "Dear?"

We lay naked in bed after hours of pure pleasure "Yes?" I acquired a habit of rubbing figures in his chest as he strokes my hair "I want you to promise me something" alright? "Of course, what's the matter?"

"Today I got a letter from my general, we were hired to calm down the slaves in Yunkai, we set sail in a month but they need me back immediately" Yunkai? A month? I got up from lying in his chest, the cool breeze hitting my bare back.

"Immediately?" he can't leave not yet, not yet. "Yes my dear, they need me back. That is why I want you to promise me... never forget our time together." No, it's too soon.

"Of course I will never forget you, my love, you made me feel so much in such little time... I also want you to remember that you, my ever strong soldier have accomplished something unimaginable to most..." I straddled my lover as I lowered myself, so that our lips were so close, they touch with every word I say.

"You have absolutely captivated a daughter of Lannister, my love, promise me in return that you won't ever forget that you... are Daario Naharis and you always have a choice... I will miss and cherish you always"

I hadn't cried since Cersie left to marry Robert and took Jaime with her, but tonight, my last night with my lover, I did. For the time that was robbed from us, for his general and my sister that forced us out of our perfect bubble in Lys, so tonight... I cry, knowing that I've loved.


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