Chapter 35

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Staring out the window once more you found yourself glancing towards the white haired man beside you through the reflection. He seemed to have kept his arms crossed and his brows were arched down, his gaze trailed between the two sitting up from before resting on the back of Giorno's seat.

Ombre hues then trailed towards where you sat catching your gaze through the window's reflection. "If you think too hard you're going to get wrinkles." Softly stating that and turning your head to face him a slight smile pulled itself across your lips, "Unless you want them, but I mean you look better without them." Bobbing your head along with what was said, you gauged his reaction merely watching him shake his head huffing.

Parking the van at its destination pillars and old broken down buildings sat before the four of you. "Pompeii, huh? I've been here since I visited on a field trip as a kid."

"Lucky. I never went on field trips as a kid, so this'd be my first time here." Moving to stand beside Abbacchio you kicked the ground pushing some loose rocks aside, your gaze trailed towards the man not really noticing how tall he actually was till now.

"We should hurry things up." Checking his watch and stating that Fugo bobbed his head heading into the rubble. "The place we're looking for is about 100 meters ahead." Finding yourself walking alongside the talking blond he stared straight ahead. "It should take us about thirty minutes to get what we need and get back to the others."

Once again nodding along to what he was saying the group stopped before a wall, a mirror was hung up onto it and upon looking into it you could've sworn you saw someone. Someone peeking out behind a pillar and someone Fugo had noticed as well, "Abbacchio, Giorno, (Y/N), be on your guard. . . To think we'd be found out so soon..."

"You see them too?" Whispering that out as to not alert the person hiding, Fugo nodded at your question.

"How many are there?" "One...for now."

Keeping your gaze on the mirror you added onto the blond's answer, "He's peeking around a pillar right behind us."

Risking a glance back Giorno's eyes scanned the area quickly, "Pillar? Which one would that be?"

"Wake up, Giorno. There's only one pillar. Can't you see it?" Fugo's tone was strained, he was annoyed that the newbie wasn't listening to really anything he was saying.

Glancing back a bit as well Abbacchio kept a guarded stance, "Fugo, there is definitely a single pillar, but I don't see anyone either."

They had to have been bluffing, there was no way both yourself and Fugo could be seeing the same person yet they couldn't even find him when he was so plainly peeking out around the pillar? "No, but there is someone there. I can see them too, they're coming over!" Realizing that the person was walking around the pillar both yourself and Fugo snapped around, the man pointed over towards where the person was supposed to be.

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