Chapter 12

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Breakfast went by without incident, everyone was once again chatting quietly to one another before your gaze drifted towards Mista. A laugh right away wanted to escape you upon seeing what was on his face and hat. A set of googly eyes was stuck to his hat and a set of cat whiskers decorated his face alongside a poorly drawn mustache above his top lip.

Catching sight of you on the verge of laughing he arched a brow, "Something funny?" Shaking your head at his question you took a deep breath holding back any giggled. Seeing you shake your head Mista figured you were probably just thinking of something funny and waved it off as nothing. "Say you know what I haven't seen in awhile?"


"Your stand, or at least the butterfly of it." Pointing that out Mista looked around the table seeing the others begin to wonder the same thing. It really only showed up once in a while but they figured it was because you brought it out.

Tapping your fork lightly against the table a hum left your lips before you gestured towards the empty chair beside Bucciarati, "It's with Abbacchio." Answering with that then nibbling on a piece of bacon from your plate you bobbed your head.

Finding the answer a bit odd Fugo pointed something out, "It's almost always with Abbacchio." Turning his attention towards you, you just gave a shrug in response as if to say 'well then I don't know'.

"It just kinda does it's own thing. I mean it appears and disappears when it wants." Your stand definitely had a mind of it's own, though you were able to have it tag along with people in case anything were to happen which you appreciated.

"That would make sense. But speaking of which what is your stands range?" Inquiring that from his seat Bucciarati leaned onto the table, his head resting softly in the palm of his hand. He was aware of a few things when it came to your stand, but there were still a lot of unanswered questions that he was curious about himself.

"Um well pretty far with the butterfly, but it's sort of like a give and take thing. The farther away it is the weaker its ability is, whereas the closer it is the stronger the ability." Explaining that you paused trying to think of an example. "So say if one of you got injured and were far away, I could tend to you through the butterfly though it wouldn't be as fast or efficient as if I were to tend to you directly." Your explanation helped a lot with understanding the ability and a hum followed by a nod was given from the ebony haired man.

The table afterwards went quiet for some time before Narancia jolted up from his chair beside you resulting in you jumping in surprise. "Say (Y/N) why don't we walk around town for a bit? You haven't really left the house in a while." Stating that a smile was set out across his expression.

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