The closest planets to the Sun - Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars - are called the rocky planets. They have solid crusts and are made mainly of rock and metal. They have few moons or none at all.
Maximum distance from the Sun:
69.8 million KM (43.3 million miles)
Diameter: 4,879 KM (3,030 miles)
Year length: 88 Earth days
Day length: 58.6 Earth daysVenus
Maximus distance from the sun:
108.9 million KM (67.6 million miles)
Diameter: 12,104 KM (7,520 miles)
Year length: 224.7 Earth days
Day length: 243 Earth daysEarth
Maximum distance from the Sun:
152.6 million KM (94.5 million miles)
Diameter: 12,756 KM (7,926 miles)
Year length: 365.25 days
Day length: 23.9 hoursMars
Maximum distance from the Sun:
249.2 million KM (154.8 million miles)
Diameter: 6,792 KM (4,220 miles)
Year length: 687 Earth days
Day length: 24.6 Earth hours
The Universe at Its Finest! | A.Mars
Non-FictionThe Universe is everything we can touch, feel, sense, measure or detect. It includes living things, planets, stars, galaxies, dust clouds, light, and even time. ... The Universe contains billions of galaxies, each containing millions or even trillio...