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Shannon POV:

"Your would think it would take you the least amount of time to get ready, considering you're the only male, and the only straight one here" I joked, as Alfie finally emerged from his room to the kitchen where Amelia and I had been waiting for 10 minutes already.

"sorry, let's go, is the uber outside?"

"yeah, he's waiting, so is our reservation" i huffed. I meant it in a jokey way, but it didn't come out that way. I was not really in a good mood, i couldn't decide if i wanted to meet up with the others or not. I wanted to see Cari, but i was scared to, and with Amelia there i wouldn't want to make her feel weird. I think im just over thinking this.


The three of us arrived at The Barn restaurant for our meal. I had made the conscious decision that i was not going to check my phone, as i knew it would just be flooded with texts telling me to get over to Spotlight bar where everyone else was and endless instagram stories of everyone having a great time.


Cari POV:

"yes, tour was insane, but i'm so glad to be home, i missed all of you so much"

"cheers to that one! to Cari Fletcher everybody" Jess shouts and everyone follows with their glasses in the air

We all drank far too much and halfway through the night decided to relocate to the karaoke bar across the street, where even more alcohol was consumed.

I don't remember the rest of the night, but what i do remember was that Shannon never showed, guess she didn't want to see me after all. As much as it hurts, i'm kind of glad, i don't know what i would of said to her, or her new girlfriend.


I woke up the next morning with Alex in my bed, feeling like i had been hit by a car. 

Alex and I just spent the whole day lying on the sofa, although it took us long enough to get from the bedroom to the sofa. It wasn't till about 6pm that i started to feel better.

"Alex i'm hungry, why is the fridge empty" i moaned from the kitchen over to alex who was still suffering.

"stop talking, how are you alive right now, i can't even think about food"

"i swear tour has made me invincible. i think i'm gonna head to the store, do you want anything?"

No response, i took that as a no.

I was halfway to the store when i made the decision to get go and get a takeout instead of heading to the store, i really couldn't face that right now, i'll tackle it tomorrow, i'd rather go and eat my dinner at my spot.

I was just about to put in my order when i received a text:

Shannon B:

Hey, i hear you're back in town, what are you doing right now, can we meet? i think we should talk before we bump into each-other and its awkward, we can't avoid each-other forever.

Fuck, that's the last person i thought i would be getting a text from. What the fuck do i reply.

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