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Shannon POV:

i finished my beer and stood up, it was time to call it a night, and go tackle the beast that was lying in my bed right now.

"night jess, see you tomorrow"

"yeah, night, good luck" 

i opened the bedroom door to see cari tucked up on my side of the bed.

i quickly brushed my teeth and washed my fave before putting on my pyjamas and getting under the duvet.

i had just assumed cari was asleep, but she wasn't. i leaned over to give her a kiss on the head, just as a goodnight, but she turned over to look at me

"i see you've found my side of the bed"

"your pillow smells like you"

i smiled and wrapped my arms around her. she put her head on my chest.

"i'm sorry about earlier" she said

"it's okay, but talk to me cari, don't leave me in the dark, i cant do anything when i have no idea whats wrong"

i looked down at her and brushed the hair out of her face

she met my eye line

"i just... i just. i saw how much fun you have with jess, and i don't want you to miss that. i know how much you love spending time with her and living with her"

"cari, yes i love living with jess, just like you love living with Alex, but they're not going anywhere. just because i won't be living with her doesn't mean the end of out friendship. yes i'll miss it, but i'm so ready to live with you and start a new chapter"

it was cute that she cared about Jess, but i can't have her doubting our future for the rest of our lives. i needed to show that i was all in somehow.

Cari had fallen asleep resting her head on me. i laid there brushing my hands through her hair until i fell asleep.

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