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Shannon POV:

i ran into CVS looking for it, i scanned every isle, of course what i was looking for was in the final isle.

i grabbed one out of the box and ran to the checkout, picking some chips up on the way

as i walked back to the car i could see cari staring at me, she was completely unaware of what was about to happen. i don't think i really knew what was about to happen

"you made me stop for chips? we have chips at home"

"yeah, chips and this...

i pulled out a ring pop

"cheesy, i know, this is not how i wanted this to go down, i have dreamed of this moment as much as i hope you have"


"cari, i don't want to leave you, not now to go back to LA, not ever, you're the only woman i want in my life, well besides my mom and my sister. oh and your mom, oh and the woman at my film store, she will always have my heart, but you're the only one i want in my bed" we both laughed, cari's eyes were tearing up

"cari, we've been through tick and thin with eachother, and you can't deny that we are meant to be together, i don't want to wait anymore, i want you to be mine, forever this time."

"Cari Elise Fletcher... Will you marry me?"

i held the ring in front of her, looking in her eyes, at this point, i knew exactly what i was doing, i wanted to spend the rest of my life with this woman

"Shannon... I.. Yes, i will"

My heart was beating through the chest

"yes, yes you will? don't just say that because im vulnerable right now, you've got to be in it for the long run, no going back, no running"

"just kiss me shannon"


after that ordeal we went home, and agreed that we wern't going to tell our families just yet. Cari wanted to wait til; her dad was out of hospital, and i respected that, there was no need to rush things.

It was late by the time we got back, so we went straight upstairs to bed, hand in hand.

"my bed or yours?" Cari said, laughing

"theyre both your beds, this is your house. But yours"

Cari led me by the hand to her childhood bedroom, and i shut the door behind me before pushing her onto the bed

i got on top of her and started kissing her passionatly

Cari broke the kiss, "i love you shannon"

"i love you too, please don't break my heart again"

we continued to kiss and more into the night.


A few hours later we were lying in bed, cari resting her head on my shoulder and her body against mine.

we were talking about all our wedding ideas and what we were going to do and how we would announce it to the world.

In the hour before cari fell asleep we planned out every moment for the rest of our lives.

i had waited for this moment for years. i didn't expect it to go down like this, but i wouldnt have it any other way.

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