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Cari POV:

Today is moving day. We settled on the first house we looked at in the hills. It had 5 bedrooms, a huge kitchen, a pool and garden and a great view, and a bonus building at the bottom of the garden that i was going to turn into a studio.

Shannon and I stayed in our own apartments last night, so we could both get up early and pack. Shannon was of course ahead of me when it came to packing, so she just had some last minute things to do and then she was coming to help me.

it was 7am and i somehow managed to roll out of bed, i think it was partly adrenaline and excitement. i quickly got in the shower then checked my phone to a text from shannon


You better be up! long day, i'll be over in a hour or two and will bring breakfast. love you

I better get to boxing everything up. to be honest, ive done 60% of it, but that was all of the easy stuff. It was 8am and the moving van was coming at 12 so i had enough time, as long as i actually got stuck in.

about an hour passed and there was a knock at the door, it was Shannon with breakfast

we ate and then we continued to pack my stuff

"why are you the biggest hoarder cari. what even is half of this stuff, when have you ever used this" shannon said holding some random metal music stand that was folded up

"hey, that was my music stand all through my childhood, it's got sentimental value!"

"yeh, but have you actually ever used it" shannon said looking at me with a stern look

"bin pile it is then" i responded

We continued to sort through everything in my room and elsewhere in the house for a few hours.

"i think thats everything, are you ready?" shannon said putting her arms around me

"its sad, but im excited"

It took us a while to move all of the boxes downstairs, but the moving men were helpful. We packed up all of the boxes into the van and it took them all to our new house, meanwhile Shannon and I went to her apartment to do any final packing, but there wasn't really anything.

Neither of us really had a sad goodbye with our apartments, we both had love hate relationships, it was more the people that we would be missing, but we would still see them even still.

The moving van pulled up outside Shannon's place and we loaded it up for the final time. 

"this place has a lot of memories" Shannon said turning to the building

She looked kind of sad, it think it all hit her suddenly. we spent a few minutes just reminiscing, it was bitter sweet.

We got in the car and drove to our new house where the landlord was waiting to hand us our keys.

"welcome to your new home" she said

"i wish you luck, and congratulations its a wonderful home"

Shannon took the keys and looked at me

"are you ready" she said

the house was already unlocked, and out boxes unloaded inside, but this was the first time we had been in since it was officially ours.

I took Shannons hand as we made the first step in through the door.

I had imagined it to be some sort of breathtaking, awakening moment, but it wasn't.

"why have you stopped, are you expecting God to come to you as soon as you stepped in through the door or something" shannon laughed at me.

"just taking in the moment"

We began the process of moving in, which neither of us enjoyed. the first thing we did was blow up an air mattress in our bedroom, as we were buying a some of our furniture new, including the bed. Apart from that, most of the house was already furnished. 

The living room was kitted out with sofas and a table, and some of the spare bedrooms had beds in, but Shannon and i really wanted to spend our first night in our new room, not one of the guest rooms.

Shannon POV:

i was pretty impressed with Cari today. Packing and unpacking is not really where she excels, she usually gets bored after 10 minutes

I just paused for a minute to take everything in. I stop what i was unboxing to look over at cari who was across the kitchen from me. This is the rest of my life and i can't complain one bit.

"take a picture it will last longer" Cari said noticing i was still watching her

"just admiring the view" i replied smiling 

"well enough of it, are you gonna help unpack or just stand there"

"you're doing such a good job i don't want to get in your way, i might just go for a lie down"

"absolutely not" cari said walking towards me

"if you're going for a lie down im coming with you" she said grabbing my waist

i planted a kiss on her lips and she took me by the hand. We didn't even make it up to the bedroom before we started making love.


"i thought we were spending the day unpacking, not whatever that was" cari said, out of breath

"that was the initial plan, but this was way better" i said running my hands through her hair

We were lying on the floor outside our room when the doorbell went.

"fuck, Alex" 

Cari just remembered that she invited alex over for some wine and a takeout to christen the new house, although cari and i just did that in one way or another.

"our clothes are everywhere, and the door isnt locked, shes gonna walk in and see everything" i laughed

We both quickly ran to the bedroom, where we had barely unpacked, but managed to dig out some sweats to throw on and then ran downstairs to see alex stood in the front entrance.

"sorry alex, we uh, we got a bit held up" i said smiling nervously whilst Cari put her arms around me from behind.

"i can see that" alex replied, directing her eyes towards Cari's bra that was hanging off the bannister on the staircase.

We all laughed awkwardly

"well do i get a tour then?" alex asked

We moved through the house, showing Alex every detail, and explaining what it will be like once ints fully finished and furnished, whilst i was also trying to pick up all of cari and I's clothes as we progressed.

"i'm not gonna show you the studio yet, thats a surprise" cari said reaching for the wine in the kitchen

"you have a fucking studio?! next you will be telling me you have a whole zoo in the garden somewhere. Remind me i should probably start taking work seriously" alex said whilst sipping her wine

"no, no zoo, but we are looking at getting another cat or a dog" i laughed.

We ordered a takeout and enjoyed our first night in our new home. 

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