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Shannon POV:

That was so stupid. why did i do that, she won't want to see me, do i even want to see her?

I was stressing out, but couldn't make it a public stress, I was at Amelia's.

When my phone buzzed, my heart sunk, i was hesitant to check it, but i did,


Yeah, i'm free, I'm just in the queue for takeout at Ruso's, i could pick you up something and you could meet me at my spot? you know the place.

I replied almost too quickly saying i'd meet her there in 20, and that she knew what to order me.

Now i had to figure out how i was going to leave Amelia's. I was overthinking it. I had been here since last night, she wasn't keeping me hostage, i was free to leave whenever i wanted.

Should i tell her where i was going? i don't think she would mind, but then again, i would probably mind if i was in her position.

"Hey babe, i, uh, i want to ask you something, and i want you to be completely honest with me, and don't feel bad about what you say." 

She sat up from her position on the sofa, and i could sense Alfie's ears perking up, although he kept his eyes fixed on his phone.

"feel free to say no, but is it okay if i go and see Cari, i know that might be weird for you and i completely understand if-"

"yes, that's fine" Amelia said, cutting me off

"are you sure? you don't just have to say that to make me happy"

"yes, it's fine, honestly, i trust you, and i've never met her, but i trust her, everyone speaks so highly of her, i want you guys to be friends, just come home to me after, okay?"

I was so in love with her in this moment, and i for some reason suddenly wasn't really interested in going to see Cari anymore, i didn't want anything to ruin where i am at the moment, i'm happy, and it's taken me a long time to get here.

"thank you, i love you, i'll text you when i'm on my way home" I gave her a final hug and kiss before heading out.

I knew exactly where i was meeting Cari, it was her favourite spot. it was a picnic area down a little dirt road where you got the best views over the city. she used to go there to write all the time, and whenever we got in an argument.


Cari POV:

My mind was spinning, why did shannon want to see me. is it going to be awkward? Was her girlfriend going to be there? did she know? i needed to calm down. 

I was still half recovering from last night, i wasn't dressed or mentally prepared for this.

I could feel my hear through my chest as i pulled up and saw Shannon's car. My scanning eyes then met Shannon, who was sat on the bench. She turned to look at me as i pulled my car up and flashed the classic Beveridge smile.

Just before i got out of my car i took a deep breath, but Shannon didn't really give me a chance to prepare myself, she was already on her way over to my car.

"Hey stranger" she said as i opened my car door.

I didn't really know if i was supposed to go on for a hug or what, but i did it anyway.

The hug was nice, it wasn't awkward or anything but you could tell both of us were nervous and finding this weird.

I got the food out of the passenger side and we sat on the bench, watching the beginning of the sunset, not knowing at this point that we would also watch the sun rise again.

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