Were Trapped In Rubble Again...

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Miss Grey's POV:

I was somehow In the my room In the AMD and I remembered what happened last night and I blushed a little because I fell asleep leaning on Gaster's shoulder but I brushed It off (NO MY SHIP)  and got up to see the others awake. "Hey Miss Grey were going on patrol" Chara said "Okay when are we leaving" I asked "In about 30 minutes" Chara answered "Okay I will be right back" I said and went outside and I knew Zephyr was gone because I saw him flying back with some fish for us to eat and after eating we went Inside and got ready for patrol. But when we were ready and out walking I got the feeling I was being watched but I knew who they were and just let It go then out of nowhere a building started to collapse on all of us and the others tried to stop It from falling and I tried shooting some of the rocks with my nullifier gun but I got to where I used to much soul power and blood came up and It all went black...

Zephyr's POV:

I awaken to the sound of pain... wait a minute?!? Jessica Is trying to contact me through my mind I look around and see parts of her ears and central nubs forming on her and I worry for her sake of sanity on what the other would say but If they say mean things I will protect her and wait for the others to wake up.

Saying you will wait for the others fills with Patience

but since the others are unconscious I go over to Jessica and basically sit In front of her so no one can see her because she has trust issues In my opinion about a certain thing.

20 minutes later

Chara starts to wake up and so does the others after awhile and they all start looking for and exit out of the rubble. "Hey Zephyr why aren't you going to help" Sans asked "Reasons..." I said and after a longer period they start trying to look on the side me and Jessica are on and I told myself I have been patient for awhile to reveal my secret and I take my sweatshirt off and stretched my wings "My god that feels a lot better" I said putting my wings back down and everyone was staring except Gaster "HOLY BUTTERCUPS YOUR ONE OF THE HYBRIDS I WAS TALKING ABOUT" Chara shouted "Yeah I am but the reason why I was just sitting down In front of Miss Grey Is because she doesn't trust anyone with her secret unless I trust them" I said and Jessica sat up "Miss Grey your a hybrid" Papyrus asked but she didn't answer then I remember that today Is the day her teeth become retractable"FRICK I forgot ugh" I said hitting my head "What did you forget Zephyr" Chara asked "Well today Is the day that us hybrids teeth become retractable but If you don't believe me try and make my sister smile" I said. "Think about what makes you happy" Papyrus said Jessica looked at him and tried to smile but I was a gummy smile and I laughed a little because I always loved her gummy smiles as a kid and we all just sat and talked for awhile because there was nothing we really could do and before we knew It the sun was setting and soon became nightfall.

Rave's POV:

I was In the base when Toriel came rushing to me saying that a building fell on the patrol unit which consisted of Miss Grey, Gaster, Sans, Papyrus, Chara, Asriel, and Zephyr "Okay Miss Toriel calm down tomorrow I will get a grounds unit to try and get them out" I said reassuring the frantic goat which later she left and I got back to work I was just reading a book about glitches In a timeline which I still could not figure out If they were real or not but after finishing the book I went to bed thinking on how to get a grounds unit to help free the patrol unit.

?????? POV:

I seems Betty still has not attack but It also seems I have a timeline to reset




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