The Kiss

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I do NOT own the GIF also you know whats about to go down If you look at the GIF. You also are about to see some really wholesome shet.

Gaster's POV:

I was In my room thinking about what ST!Frisk said. 'Why did he even say that!?!' I questioned myself, when Sans came In. "Hey G..." Sans said "Yes Sans" I said turning towards him "Well the others thought of an Idea to get J back and kill Betty" Sans said "Well what are we waiting for" I asked getting up and walking towards him "Well we need to tell Papyrus before we go" Sans said and we started heading for his room.

Jessica's POV:

I was sitting on Betty's couch, listen to her conversation with her friend. "Betty do you think we should still fight them" Her friend asked "I don't know CC, but this substance..." Betty paused because she almost fell and CC caught her. They started to blush "Ooooo" I said "Wait! your sentient" CC said "Well...I was fed god knows how much HATE as a kid" I said "What..." CC said feeling pity for me from his look "It's fine, I got over the cycle of abuse and I controlled my HATE" I said "Now I heard that you guys don't want to fight anymore" I said "Yeah..." Betty said "Well why don't I help you" I said "You would do that, even after everything I did" Betty said "Well, yeah, I saw the patterns In your attacks and I allowed you to take me because It seemed you were forced to do this" I said "Yeah...the HATE Is trying to have It's own plans" Betty explained "But I have been helping her keep calm" CC said "Not gonna lie you two look like you have crushes on each other" I said *Cue Lenny Face ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )* "What the heck!" Betty said blushing "Well actually we don't have a crush on each other because" CC paused "Were already dating" Betty said. We started to talk for awhile about things we could do to stop the phase one of the war.

Papyrus's POV:

I was In my room thinking about why Betty Is doing this. 'Why would Betty cause this war' and as I was thinking Sans and Gaster came In. "Paps" Sans said "Yessss brother" I said turning towards him "We thought of a plan to get J back and destroy Betty" Sans said. I tilted my head down "What's wrong Papyrus" Gaster asked "I want to know why Betty did all this" I said. Gaster and Sans stared at me "Until we know the truth I am not going to let you kill her" I said "What do you mean 'your not going to kill her until you know the truth'" Sans shouted at me "Well maybe we could learn the truth" Gaster said. We left my room to go see the others "What was that commotion" Toriel asked us "Well, Sans kind of yelled at me" I said "And why would he do that" Asriel asked "Well-" I was cut off by Sans "Well Paps doesn't want to kill Betty until he knows why she did all this" Sans said angry "I mean there has to be a reason, I mean why would she do all this" I asked "I don't know Papyrus, but we could ask the next time she attacks" Toriel said.

Cross Chara's POV:

I was walking In the shadows with Betty and Jessica. "Hey, what happens If they don't accept us" I asked "Well If they don't we leave" Jessica said "Wait, you would come with us" Betty said "Yeah I would" Jessica said "But why?" I asked "Well I was criticized a lot as a kid, because of my soul trait" Jessica explained. After awhile we got to the base and entered. "What are they doing here?!?!" Sans asked with anger "They want to end this war" Jessica said "Oh, and how do you know?" Sans asked with anger again "Just give them a chance please" Jessica asked "Well If they want to-fine we can give them a chance, but we can't tell the others" Asgore said "Okay" I said and Betty nodded. Everyone started talking a getting to know me and Betty more. I saw Jessica and Gaster go up stairs, but I didn't question It.

Gaster's POV:

I brought Jessica up to the roof "Hey Gaster why did you bring me up here" Jessica asked, I gave her a hug and she tilted her head up "Gaster..." Jessica asked with a tint of blush on her face. I gave her a kiss on the lips and she kissed. She broke the kiss and we sat up there watching the rest of the sunset to then be stargazing.



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