Fighting The Pink Demons

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This Is what Miss Grey Is going to look like In the future and some of this Is Inspired by HTTYD and I do NOT own HTTYD, Dreamworks does

Miss Grey's POV:

I was In the living area of the house, talking to my friends In my head."Hey Zhc" I said In my mind "Yeah Miss Grey" He said back "I was wondering do you think anything would happen when this Is all over" I said "Yeah I think you would be able to show your true self"  Zhc said. He then left the conversation to be my phantom following me around so I got up and started to look for the others I see Chara bringing Miss Toriel In the room talking to her about how I used fire magic Miss Toriel sees me. "Miss Grey Is It true" Toriel asked "What about fire magic" I said and brought flames to my hands and Chara was In awe again "How did you learn that Miss Grey" Toriel asked "Oh I can't really remember how" I said lying because It was Product who taught me "So I might be right on that humans can learn magic monsters use" Chara said looking to me "Yep" I said and Chara ran off to probably tell Dr. Gaster "Did you tell him that to make him happy" Toriel asked "Nope I told him the truth and when I first showed my power I said It was my little secret so I am not lying on what I said" I explained cause It's true I am not lying "Why you got to be so cryptic" Zhc said "Well I better get going" Toriel said "Bye Miss Toriel" I said and for some reason I wanted to itch my wrist "Bye" Toriel said and left. I saw no one was around so I was going to speak to Zhc "Hey Zhc whats today's date" I said (Listen people I do not care If It Is January got It) "November 20th, why?" Zhc asked and I started talking to him In my mind I then gave him a glare "Do not tell me you forget that I am a half-hate-monster-half-human and I am the first born In awhile from the start of my generation to have a dragon as my hates natural form and that has not been born or seen since the shape-shifting Alpha hate monster fell In love with a human and his natural hate form was a dragon and me and my brother were the first to be born In awhile and before us every other generation always just had the trait of there kids most likely to have the power..." I finished and I already stopped glaring at him "Sorry Jessica I forgot" Zhc said I look at my wrist to see that I had a few jet black scales "Crap" Zhc said and I started Ignoring him and go outside to see Chara, Hugo, Ronan, talking to Gaster. I started mentally screaming and I started over hearing there conversation "So you want some of us to be at the AMD building and why exactly Chara" Gaster asked "Well Gaster I found something about an old monster called the 'Hate Monster' and I thought we could tell the others about this" Chara said my eyes widened oh how he knew about that creature. "Well we could tell the others about that what do you say Gaster" Ronan asked "Fine we'll do It tomorrow afternoon and I actually think I have some old books before the war about them" Gaster said and and teleported away but then I felt a slight pain like something was coming out of my back, but I knew It was my wings getting closer to coming out, but I remember that when transforming Into our natural forms and who always come around, my twin-brother, Zephyr. He Is just like me In are natural forms but I am taller, have more spiky things, and other stuff, but he also has to hid his form until the other know about mine since the original alpha of the hate monsters was and Integrity soul. There pretty rare to find In a hate monster the determination hate monster took over as alpha and got lost In the power also It was not pretty for others but when I was born they lost the alpha ability's and were exiled for hurting others and stuff like that. I became the new alpha of them but I really don't abuse the power because I don't us It at all, I just use It when I need to, I then walk back Inside.

Chara's POV:

I got Gaster to agree on coming with me to the AMD building but now I got to ask Miss Grey If she will drive us there. "Hey Miss Grey" I came around "Yes Chara" Miss Grey asked "Can you come with us to the AMD building" I asked afraid she might say no "Sure I don't mind" Miss Grey answered "Okay we will be leaving at 9:00 AM because I found something worth wild" I said with enthusiasm and really excited to tell everyone what I found "Well I am going to get going bye Miss Grey" I said "Bye Chara" Miss Grey said back but as I left to go ask Papyrus If he wanted to come with us to the AMD I got a weird feeling something was wrong but I didn't know what It was so I shook of that feeling and headed to find Papyrus.

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