The Truth Behind The Mask...

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Keep In mind that Zephyr In this story Is mine and since Jessica and zephyr's hate forms are Inspired by the Night Fury from HTTYD also most of Zephyr and Jessica features are like male Night Fury's and not female like the Light Fury okay and I do NOT own anything from HTTYD

Zephyr's POV:

I was flying through the sky with my hybrid half-human half-hate-monster ability's enjoying the view but I what I really looking for was the city my sister, Jessica lives In but I must stay high up so no one sees me and when I find the city go behind a building and get my sweat shirt on to hid my wings and ears but my tail I can make disappear. I find the city but remembered that I could talk to Jessica through my mind because I am related to her and because she Is the alpha "Sister you there" I said through my mind behind a building anxiously waiting to hear that she Is alright and alive, because this place Is a war zone "Yeah I'm here but I can't talk because I am driving why don't you use echolocation to try and find me" Jessica said and left my mind I then jump on the ground a couple of times and find that she Is heading my way so I wait for awhile for her to get here.

Miss Grey's POV:

me and a few others were getting In the van as In Asriel, Chara, Sans, Gaster, and Papyrus and I got the feeling Asriel and Sans were glaring at the back of my head and we were heading off to the AMD. "Hey Asriel It great to have you back" Gaster said and I got a mind call from my brother "Sister you there" Zephyr said sounding anxious "yeah I'm here Zephyr but I can't talk because I am driving why don't you use echolocation to try and find me" I said and stopped talking to my brother because I heard a noise from behind the van because of my ability's I look Into the side-view mirror to see pink blobs. "Uh guys we have a problem" I said and a pink blob broke the window on Gaster's side. But Gaster blasted It Into oblivion "Chara get to the front, Asriel, Sans, and Papyrus you guys are with me" Gaster said and opened the vans doors and they started shooting at the pink demons, Chara was In the passenger sit and standing up at the same time making sure no blobs could get In, but then something jumped and from their scent because I am becoming one with my form I knew It was Zephyr and he was shooting at the pink blobs "Hold on everyone" I said and put the car In park swerved and back to driving and killed the rest of the pink blobs, Gaster was about to close the doors when Zephyr came In. "Hi" Zephyr said and Sans brought a pointy bone out "Who are you" Gaster said "Well I am Zephyr Grey" Zephyr said "Miss Grey do you know him" Chara asked "Yeah... he Is my twin brother" I said "You have a twin" Chara said surprised "Yeah" I said "Well It's nice to meet you... well what are your names" Zephyr asked and Chara went on to explaining on everyone's names and what Is going on and after a little long drive we get to the AMD building. "Were here" I said and we all got out and headed In.

????? POV:

I was watching the twins and the other go Inside and set up rooms I was not really Interested In the others but the twins I was. "Sister you know at some point your going to have to tell them about us being hybrids" Zephyr said "I know Zephyr but I remembered something you told me long ago that 'Alphas sometimes have to hurt others' or something like that..." I said "Well what I said was sometimes an alpha has to do something they don't want to do and the reason why Integrity was the rarest soul to hate-monster's Is because everyone can trust them even the enemies but even with trust comes pain" Zephyr said. (I actually looked up what the Integrity meant In Glitchtale and Undertale In undertale It means you have a lot of honesty and that everyone can trust sadly even your enemies also you give goo advice and If they do something wrong they will tell you but In glitchtale Integrity souls were known to lose there trait easily do to lying, breaking morals and there Is a few more and were looked down at In the past now these are from wiki I found I know that the Undertale Integrity part IS true but Glitchtale I am not fully sure Okay) "I know Zephyr but I'm just concerned on what the others would say because I hurt others" Miss Grey said "Hey guys Chara Is going to talk about what she found the other day ago" Papyrus said and Zephyr and Jessica look at each other and followed Papyrus to the other room.

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