Taken Away

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Okay the picture and video are not mine credits go to their respective owners and this Is what Jessica Grey looks like In her dragon form and I also suggest you read my other Glitchtale books also play the video when I say so

Okay the picture and video are not mine credits go to their respective owners and this Is what Jessica Grey looks like In her dragon form and I also suggest you read my other Glitchtale books also play the video when I say so

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Jessica's POV:

I am getting closer to be a Hate Monster and I have been glowing blue from time to time. But I know when I go Into my form I might hurt others unless I have control and since everyone was asleep I decided that I would transformer. As I did I picked everyone up onto my back and flew upward maneuvering my body to fit In certain places and I got out and headed for the AMD building.

Rave's POV:

I was about to call a ground unit when a dragon came over and Toriel came out. "It...can't...be" Toriel said "What can't It be?" I asked "It's the Alpha Hate Dragon" Toriel said and the creature brought us the patrol unit that went missing "What a minute where Is Miss Grey" Toriel asked and the beast ran behind a random building and a person came out "Miss Grey?!" I said shocked "You alright" Miss Grey said "Yeah, but how?" I was lost at words "How about you guys call me Jessica Instead of Miss Grey If you want to" Jessica said "And how about we get them Inside" Jessica said lifting them all up with levitation.

Gaster's POV:

I woke up In a room, but I looked like a hospital room and next to me was Jessica. From the looks she had some weird black colored, like central nubs, and I noticed she started to wake up as well "Oh hello, Dr. Gaster" Jessica said "Hello Jessica, whats on your face?" I said pointing to the things on the top of her head to her nose "Oh those are my spines I have on my face, because I am a hybrid of a human and a Hate Monster Dragon" Jessica explained and I kind of forgot she was half monster and as we talked I learned more about her.

Betty's POV:

I was planning with CC and we thought of taking Miss Grey's soul.

Gaster's POV:

It's been a few hours since me and the others woke up and we went on patrol to look for any hurt people or monsters, but Instead we found Betty and her friend. She sent some of her blobs to attacks us and as we were attacking I turn around to see Betty's pink spear through Jessica's soul (Play now at 0:14 seconds) "I'm gonna be just like you~(Like you~) No matter what you say I can do~ I'll follow you to the day until I could smile at you and say...Big brother I'm just like you~" Jessica sang before turned to nothing we all stared In shock and Betty's friend caused an explosion and they disappeared.

_E_s_C_'s POV:

I was In some sort of dark void and I knew I was dead so I just laid down and went to sleep because I knew I was going to fight people and monsters I don't want to fight.

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