Chapter 1

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Marinette stuffed the scone her father had made in her mouth, as she fastened her second pigtail. She heard the car beep from outside. She rolled her eyes.

"COMING." she called, swallowing the scone and grabbing her skating bag (she'd made it herself). Marinette raced outside and hopped in the car.

"Sorry, I-"she started, but in the seat next to her, Alya was already finishing her friend's sentence.

"Overslept. Marinette, you do know that if you're signing up for morning skate, you actually have to come, right girl?" Alya said, her classic know-it-all smirk on her face.

"Yeah, Yeah, I know." Marinette grumbled as Alya started the car. Before Marinette knew it, their conversation had steered to Nino Lahiffe, a hockey player at their rink, and Alya's boyfriend.

Marinette had met Alya earlier that year, and they had instantly hit it off. While Marinette had been skating at Miraculous Ice her whole life, Alya was new that season.

Eventually, the girls arrived at Miraculous Ice. Marinette pulled her skates on and headed onto the ice.

"Ma-Ma-Marinette." said a loud voice from behind her. She jumped, causing her to slip and fall. She turned to face the blue haired boy smirking above her. Marinette rolled her eyes.

"Jesus Christ, Luka, don't scare me like that." she gasped, pulling herself up. Luka laughed.

"Sorry, Mari, you know I can't help it." Luka chuckled. Marinette rolled her eyes.

Luka was Marinette's best friend. They had met when she was three and he was four. Both of them had just begun skating. They briefly dated last year, but it didn't work out. They were still friends though, if anything it had made their friendship stronger. Marinette had been the first person Luka came out to as bisexual, and a year later, Marinette told him she was bi as well. Since skaters spent almost all day every day at Miraculous Ice, their entire skating friend group was very close, but Luka was still who Marinette felt closest with.

The skaters all formed a line when their coach, Coach Wang, called them over. He passed by all of them, but stopped at Alya.

"Ms. Cesaire, pull your hair up please."

Alya flushed a dark red. Marinette knew that Alya never carried hairbands. Luckily, Rose, who was next to Alya, handed her one. Alya tugged her long reddish brown hair into a knot.

Other than the hair incident, practice was pretty uneventful. Marinette was working towards her axel. After skating, they each headed to school (where Marinette mainly avoided everyone-nobody from her school did figure skating), and after that, back to the rink. That was a typical day in the life of Marinette Dupain-Cheng. 

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