New York District pt.2

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+Washington DC's POV+
NYC and I walked down the hall, quickly getting to the living room. Queens County was in the kitchen organizing dishes, while Dutchess County was restlessly walking around in circles nearby, talking on the phone.

"Welcome back sweetie" said Queens County, glancing over at NYC and giving her a smile. "Oh hello DC" she said after she noticed I was there too, she looked shocked at first but quickly put the dishes down and hurried over.

"It's so nice to see you again, it's been so long" she said, happily giving me a hug.

"Nice to see you too" I said, hugging her back.

"My stars are you tall" she said, stepping back. "Still as handsome as ever" she complimented, smiling up at me. "Even with glasses" she added.

"Gee I wish I could be as pretty looking as you when I'm wearing my reading glasses" she laughed, putting a hand against her cheek. Meanwhile, NYC had taken Juneau's leash from me and was leading him to the back door.

"You give me too much praise, I'm sure you look wonderful in your reading glasses" I said.

"Kingsy tells me that all the time but honestly he has no room to talk" Queens said, laughing.

Queens County was a nice short lady with mainly light blue skin. She had the flag of a light blue background with a big white stripe going across her face horizontally, in the middle was a circle of grey beads with a rose and tulip in it, along with a yellow crown in the top left corner of her face and the words "Queens Borough 1898" under it. She was a long haired, green eyed woman with a pupil in her left eye shaped like a Queens crown.

She was half Borough-human after all. And like all Borough-human's, as well as Colony-human's, they had abnormally shaped pupils.

"Would you like some help with the dishes?" I asked.

"Oh no it's fine" she said. "I'm almost done anyways" she assured me.

"Hopefully Dutchess is almost done with her work too" she said, looking over at Dutchess County who was on the phone, walking around in circles in the kitchen.

Dutchess was taller than Queens, had short curly hair, and orange eyes. Her flag had 3 large horizontal stripes going across it, the top one was orange, the middle one white, and the bottom was dark blue. In the middle of the white stripe in her flag was a little dark blue seal that was actually small enough to look like a big button on her nose. It was a cute little thing that made it hard to look her in the eyes and take her seriously.

She sounded rather irritated as she scolded whoever was on the other side of the phone call.

"She's been on and off calls, one after another, for a while now" said Queens. "I wonder what happened?" she added.

NYC came back over, holding a plate with cut up caramel apple slices on it.

She simply stood by us, eyes trained on Dutchess County just like how Queens was currently doing.

I raised my hand up to grab an apple slice, only to get my hand slapped away by NYC. She is way too overprotective when it comes to her apples, even New York isn't this protective of his apples.

Queens and NYC continued to stare at Dutchess, both looking to have zoned out.

After another minute, Dutchess finally hung up and put her phone in her pocket with a sigh.

She looked over and met eyes with NYC, soon seeing Queens and I as well.

"What are you all staring at?" she asked, tilting her head questionably.

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