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Uraraka's POV

I wake up, feeling rope against my skin. I jolted up, realizing I was tied down in an empty room. I look down with anger against myself. I think of Momo and Jirou, hoping they're safe, but they're probably captured somewhere in the building. I started coughing up more blood before I hear the door open. I look up with struggle, I almost choked more seeing who it was....
It was Toga

I fought back tears as I coughed up more blood and petals, hearing a quiet ringing sound as I continued choking.

"Aww, Ochako is coughing up petals. What a cute trick!"

I let the tears fall as I hear her laugh. I couldn't help but cry while coughing up an entire flower, half covered in blood. The ringing gets louder and louder, before I hear nothing. I see Toga staring, with the smile of the devil. I smile back, saying what I presume are my last words

"I love you Toga"

I look at her one last time, tears blurred my vision but I still saw her face, the last one I'll ever see. I find it funny, I fell for someone who could never love me, but I wouldn't give up. My eyes start to close as I keep looking at Toga, her face full of confusion and panic. I closed my eyes and held my breath, expecting to see death, hoping everyone will be ok without me.

I let my breath out for the last time...

Hanahaki can't stop me![Togachako]Where stories live. Discover now