(Bonus Chapter)

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Uraraka's POV

I woke up early since I had a habit of waking up at 6 for training. I slowly got up and head to what I think is the kitchen. I start making pancakes for the villains, seeing as everyone's alive I just wanted to cook for them. I focus on the cooking so much I didn't hear Tsuyu walk up behind me.


I turn around in shock,


I turn off the heat and run up to her, hugging the life out of her until she somehow got me off.

"Where have you been? You've been missing for like 3 weeks!"

"I've uh, I became a villain Ochako."

I stare at Tsuyu, but I smile at her,

"If that's what you want then I won't stop you."

She hugs me, tears starting to form. I ask her to let go so I can continue cooking. She lets go and sits down at the bar, going onto her phone waiting for me to finish. I hear Toga coming, trying to scare me but I used my quirk before she got close to me.

"Ochako let me down please."

I gotta admit she's too cute to stay mad at. I let her down for her to hug me.

"Toga I'm trying to cook."

"Fine I'll go wait with Tsu."

I continue once again, hoping no one comes to the bar until I'm done. Luckily I just finished and stacked the last pancake.

"Breakfast is ready!"

I put the plate on the counter and grab plates for everyone. I sit next to Toga as she eats, I grab two pancakes and start eating while Momo and Jirou walk out.

"Finally awake lovebirds?"

"Uraraka you promised not to tell!"

"Everyone is fine with it, none of us are truly straight either."

They walk over, Jirou blushing while Momo calms her down. They grab a plate and some pancakes and start eating with us.

Time skip brought to you by: The UA high school searching system; "Be on the lookout for 3 girls from Class 1-A."

We're all sitting down in the living room, watching a comedy movie cause we're just bored. Momo and Jirou are cuddling with each other while I'm sitting next to Toga { Tsuyu is sitting on the floor cause she got nobody ( TnT)\(^-^ ) }

Movie ending sponsored by: UA high school searching system; "Be on the lookout for 3 girls from Class 1-A."

The movie finished so I left the others in the living room so I could start Lunch. I walk into the kitchen to see Shigaraki there, and before you know it, he had his hand against my neck, starting to choke me and disintegrate my skin. I try screaming but he sped up the disintegration process, almost reaching my vocal cords. A knife flew by, but he held his grip, I try turning my head to see Toga and Jirou, he throws me at Toga and she barely caught me. I started coughing from the pain and tried not to scratch my neck to keep the wound from getting more damaged. Toga starts arguing with Shigaraki, saying she'll leave if he doesn't apologize. He wasn't gonna anytime soon so we packed our stuff to go somewhere else.

Time skip made possible by: UA high School searching system: "Be on the lookout for 3 girls from Class 1-A."

We got everything and headed out, we traveled into the woods for about 3 hours before we found a huge cabin with an abandoned sign on it. Momo takes it off and we walk in. Taking in the sights of the cabin and claiming rooms, Toga and Tsuyu put their stuff in their rooms while me, Momo, and Jirou started cleaning.

Time skip made possible by: Cleaning lofi, it really works

We finished cleaning and settled into our rooms.
Momo and Jirou share a room, me and Toga share a room, while Tsuyu has her own room. We go to our rooms to sleep after all of that cleaning. I just took off my uniform and stole one of Toga's hoodies and got settled into bed. Toga comes 2 minutes later and we both talked about our relationship, we decided we're officially dating before we got sleepy.

"I'm heading to bed Ochako."

"Goodnight then babe."

"Heh, goodnight honey."

The end

{Comment if I should turn this chapter into its own story}

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