The start

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Uraraka's POV

We stopped by Momo's dorm, asking if she could come. She agreed and we started trying to sneaking out. After we barley got out, Jirou switches with Momo carrying me as we start to look for the villain base.

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We made it to a mostly abandon part of the city, where most petty criminals are. Everyone is tried and starving, but we kept walking. We eventually see an empty alleyway and decide to rest there. I coughed up more blood and petals than before, slightly choking. Momo creates a blanket for all of us as we might stay here for the night. We gather around, huddled up in the blanket, hoping I'll be able to live to tomorrow. I look around for people and see no one. I look back and see Momo and Jirou cuddling during their sleep. I smile for them as I wonder if I could live like they do. I eventually fall asleep, dreaming of a life of me and Toga together.

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