Highschool Dance - Ranboo

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Request from B_UmAn
Another terribly late one shot ^~^
(Part two is out but wattpad has somehow screwed up the order so it's a couple parts up. I know it's confusing, I'm sorry but I made it it's own book so hopefully it doesn't mess up again ^-^ )

Your POV

The music is blasting, some over popular song that everyone knows but wont admit it's in their playlist. Or they listen to it late at night when they think about someone they could almost have but instead they chose someone else. Seeing them pass you in the hallway with them. They see you but they act as if they didn't, like you were just another person in the crowd. You could love them to bits, you could think about them every second of every day and it still wouldn't be enough even if you cancel your plans just so they could have someone to talk to. It's a painful song, the one that never seems to end.

I throw away the red plastic cup that is scattered all across the floor. It's such a waste, all this plastic. Think about the turtles! (NOOO THE TURTLES! -Tubbo) I take one last look around for any of my friends that aren't making out with their 'incredibly hot' boyfriends, and all of them are so I see no point to stay here any longer. I walk out the door, taking another cookie on my way out because it's free food and no one can stop me. But I look back to see almost the whole container barely touched..

I walk along the outside of the school, breathing in the fresh air, and quietly munching on the 20-something cookies still left. It's way better than the cold but humid at the same time atmosphere inside. I notice someone else sitting on a curb near the parking lot, they're all alone. I hesitate, wondering if they want to be alone or all of their friends left them too. I go for it, the worst thing they can do it ask me to leave so why not make a new friend.

I sit down next to them and place the cookie try in between in. When they gloss over looking at me, I realize they're a boy, and kind of cute. I smile and grab another cookie. He pauses for a second, then takes one too. For a moment, it was just too lonely people not being so lonely anymore. He's a quiet eater, just munching and looking out to the busy roads and cars racing by.

"I'm guessing you're in the same situation as me?" He speaks up, looking back at me.
"You're friends left you for their hot dates, too?"
"Knew it."

We laugh a bit, occasionally eating. I don't know why no one ate any of these, they're not bad for a school budget snack section. He exhales though his nose, taking a deep breath in afterwards. He must like the fresh air too. I take a moment to actually see what he's wearing: just your average black and white suit with the cute little red tie that you can never tie without help. Looks like he actually dressed up for this crap of a party.

"Did you like any of your friends?" I speak up, secretly wanting to learn more about this boy. I haven't seen him before, and if I have it was probably just passing by him in a crowded hallway. I don't know what he's like. He leans his head back as he looks up at the sky, before letting out a small chuckle. Just from that I can already guess what his answer is.

"Nope," he takes a breath, "what about you?"
"Some. Some are good."

I decide to just be honest, there's no point in lying about something like my obvious fake friends. He smiles, saying at least I have some friends. And how having none means there's no conflict between them. He has a point, but I couldn't be completely alone in my prime year of high school. I want it to end on a good note, so I can look back at the memories and actually want to go to the high school meet up in like 20 years.

"Can I know your name, or will you remain as mystery boy?"

He finally averts his eyes form the forming stars, to look at me. He seems to contemplate for a second, only to laugh again.

"I like the idea of 'mystery boi'."


I made this into a book!
It's called "He's Something Special" if you liked this and want to see more ^-^

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