Halfway There - Ghostbur

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A lot of people want Ghostbur
Request by starfishhy__

Your POV


As soon as I saw him walk back out from the prison, I knew everything didn't completely go to shit. I was worried something would happen to Ghostbur, or even Tommy considering he was the one with the axe. Tommy looks upset but Ghostbur follows behind him, with a sympathetic smile. As confused as I am why, I'm just glad they're both okay.

"(Y/n)! Hi!"

I'm also glad Ghostbur seems just as happy to see me. He forgets about whatever he was doing with Tommy for a second and runs over to me, excited to see his friends like always. We give each other a quick hug that soon turned out to be a longer one when he refused to let go. It was a soft hug, but he still had his mind set on staying put. I only smiled and pet his head.

"What happened? Give me the details, I'm curious."
"Tommy was there in spirit until he wasn't! Sam saw him- wait, 'Sam saw'.. that's funny to say- sorry uhm, Sam saw Tommy and Tommy wasn't able to kill Dream and Dream started shouting at Tommy then Tommy yelled at Sam then Sam yelled back-"
"Okay, okay I get it, thank you. I'll ask Tommy later, I'm just glad you're okay."

He nodded until he paused, presumably remembering he was actually talking with Tommy before me. He looked for him, and I did too. We found him already discussing with Ranboo and Tubbo. Ghostbur went over but dragged me along with him so he could 'have all his friends together' and c'mon, how could I not comply? That's so cute.

"So Dream is still..?" Ranboo asked right before I arrived and joined their conversation. I stayed quiet and listened for a moment, wanting to learn more about what happened. The plan didn't seem to work so I wonder if Tommy is going to try again but with a different tactic or something. He doesn't usually give up on things.

"Mhm, and Sam almost let another person die in his prison! Stupid Warden shouldn't even run that prison, can't even- ughh."

Tommy was clearing struggling to stay composed. Tubbo noticed quickly too and tried to comfort his best friend, and Ranboo sat idly watching with a curious look on his face. I like Ranboo, he's a nice kid. I'm just sad he got roped into everything as soon as he arrived.

"I'm going to take Ghostbur for a walk, maybe find him some more blue.. we'll see you guys later."

I announced as I gestured to Ghostbur, and he happily followed. Tommy only nodded and the other two said their goodbyes. We separated from the minors of the group and went on our own path.

"So how was your first official visit in the prison? Was Sam nice to you?"
"Sam was very nice! He didn't answer many of my questions though, but he was nice."
"Good, no one should be mean to Ghostbur."

He smiled at me before going back to looking forward. He talked more about the visit, going into further detail, seemingly never leaving any of it out. He likes talking to people, and I like listening. Even if it's him just rambling about Sam and how big some of the rooms were. Though it did surprise me when he told me he started singing a certain anthem in there, I forgot he remembered.

He insisted on singing it again, incase I forgot it. I let him have his moment and sing. That anthem brings so many memories, everytime I hear it, it brings tears to my eyes. I try and blink then away but Ghostbur notices before I could. Instantly he stops singing and pampers me with questions, asking if I'm alright. But as soon as he started to feel bad, I couldn't help but smile and let out a small laugh.

"I'm okay, Ghostbur. I'm okay."
"Are you sure? Was it my singing? Was it that bad? Do you want a hug? I can-"

And he hugs me again. He nuzzles his head into my shoulder, his breath tickling me. This time, it was a longer hug. I didn't question it. Nor did I try to let go. I couldn't let go. And not because of his grip, it's not just that.

Ghostbur is weird to me. Like relationship wise. I consider him a great friend of mine, which he is. But I also sometimes consider him of like a younger brother. With this overwhelming urge to protect him whenever I can. Whether it's from the rain, or a mob who won't leave him alone. Or when he loses Friend-

"Does Tommy still have Friend? Should we go get him for you?"
"Will that make you feel better?"

I laugh and give him a small nod, and he brightens up, filled with determination already.

"Yeah! Let's go find Friend!"


What are thinking about Friday for the QnA? I want to do it soon because I'm excited but I also want more people to ask questions if they have any so they can participate.

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