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"Shit, I'm late," I mutter, rushing out the door to my car to go to work. I could be on time and still feel late, but today I really am late. My Cuban accent is always thicker when I'm upset.

"Wait, Charlie! You forgot your phone!" My mother yells from the front door. I always leave my phone when I'm rushing.

"Throw it to me!" I yelled back, dropping my backpack and keys to the ground, along with my coffee on accident, and praying I didn't break the forty-dollar bottle of wine.

"Dammit!" I yelled again, reaching down to save my coffee. Before I could catch it, I felt my phone hit my head, making me stumble back, falling to the ground, trying to understand what the hell just happened.

"Ow!" I yelled once more, holding my hand to my head, watching my coffee spill all over the grass.

"Sorry!" My mother calls back. Ditching my coffee cup, I picked up my bag, keys, and phone, with my pants soaked in coffee.

"I won't be back till late," I say, getting in my car, throwing my bag and phone to the passenger seat. Pulling out of the driveway, I broke nearly every driving law on the way to the Moennig house. If I'm even half a second late, Audrey will rip me a new one. I swear, that woman wouldn't know grace if it bit her in the ass.

I aggressively put in the gate code to their expensive home.

"What?" Audrey's voice screeched over the intercom. I know she knows it's me. There's no way she's this rude towards other people.

"It's Charlie, and I brought that wine you requested for you and your friends," I flatly said. The gate opens, and I drive in, parking my little dirty, blue Carola. Getting out of the car, I groaned at my coffee-stained jeans. It's worse than I thought.

"Fuck me," I quietly curse.

"You're late, and look at you," Audrey says, her voice full of judgment. I rolled my eyes.

"Yes, I know I spilled my coffee everywhere, but here's your fucking wine," I say, not in the mood for Audrey's attitude.

"Drop the tone, missy," Audrey starts. Before I could give her a piece of my mind after all these years, two kids came running out.

"Charlie!" Two little voices screamed as I felt my legs push back.

"Hey guys," I say, feeling any ill will towards Audrey evaporate.

"Come play!" Little Lily exclaims, pulling my hand along.

"You have to see the new toys that nana got me for my birthday!" Anthony explains as he and Lily drag me to the playroom. They practically pulled me to the floor as they rushed around the room, pulling out toys and coloring books, and more.

"Hey, you guys," Kate's voice rang out, making me snap my head up.

"Hey," I said, my voice lifted. Why do I do that? I've been babysitting these children for three years, and Kate still gives me butterflies. Seeing her and Audrey is depressing, and Kate deserves someone who cares about her.

"Um, Audrey noticed your jeans, so I have some sweats you could wear, and I can throw your jeans in the washing machine real quick. I'm working from here today anyway," Kate offers. I nodded, suppressing a nervous giggle.

"Awesome, follow me," Kate requests, and I don't hesitate to listen, following her back downstairs to the master bedroom. I know her sweats will fit a little too long because I am shorter than her. She opened the master bedroom, letting me inside.

"Here you go. Sorry if the sweats are too long," Kate apologizes as she hands me the sweats. I'm lucky I wore a white t-shirt.

"I'll leave you to change, and you can leave your jeans on the bed," Kate says as I scan her outfit. Even though she's working from here today, she still put on a white button-down, a blazer, tailored slacks, and she looks fantastic.

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