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Kate sat on the counter, looking down at the tile, letting out deep breaths. I could hear my sister, Elaina, and Dylan still talking, but it was muffled with a closed door.

"Are you okay?" I asked, unsure if I can put my hand on her or not. Deciding to lean up the wall, I wanted to give Kate her space. She started shaking her head as she sniffled.

"No, nope, not good. I'm not good at all, Charlie. I fucked up by saying that to the public first, and I realize that now. I realized I made a mess and, my psychotic, abusive, soon-to-be ex-wife is packing all of Anthony's things as if she can take him away from me, but wait until she finds out I know what she did to my kids. I'm using that in court," Kate explained, getting off the counter, pacing her steps up and down the restroom, looking as if she were brainstorming how it would play out. No doubt she'll win, but she'll need proof.

"Kate, please remember the public is on your side, and nobody believes Audrey when she said you kidnapped the kids. Everyone is calling her a liar, and they are right," I said as she kept pacing the floor.

"You're right," Kate said, stopping in her place.

"You are absolutely right, Charlie. I always have to defend Audrey, but not anymore. I am done sticking up for her." Kate walked out of the restroom, heading over to her dresser, rummaging through the drawers. She pulled out a small bag filled with green. I gasped, realizing Kate has weed.

"Kate!" I exclaimed, watching her take out a blunt.

"This shit is amazing," Kate swears as she lit it, taking a drag off the blunt.

"Hello, we're still here," Elaina yells as I look at my phone on the bed. Then, picking it up, Kate handed me the blunt.

"Sorry, we were talking through some things," I said, taking a hit from the blunt. I let out a cough, making Kate laugh at my expense while she relaxed onto the bed. I plopped down, feeling the high take over my system.

"Okay, can I please read you the article?" Dylan begged, and I know if she doesn't, she will explode. So I handed Kate my phone.

"Yes, please!" I announce, taking my clothes off to change into Kate's sweater. I felt her eyes fall on me as I slipped into the bedsheets.

"By now, everyone's seen the video the lovely Kate is in, and I, for one, am behind her. I might be a little biased, but I had the not so pleasurable honor of meeting Audrey. Yes, folks, I met Audrey Moennig, who might have to return to her maiden name, Chapman," Dylan started reading her article, and I'm in love with it.

"I went to dinner with Charlie and the Moennigs as an unofficial double date, and let me tell you, I was beside myself when a man approached the table. I instantly recognized him as the same man Audrey was accused of seeing at a bar last night. To my dismay, I had already seen this mystery man with Audrey a few nights ago. Coincidence? You tell me," Dylan read on, her voice full of excitement. Kate giggles next to me, taking another hit.

"The internet is at war with each other concerning who gets the kids. If it were up to me, Kate would keep them, and here's why. Based on Charlie Martinez's stories from babysitting for the Moennig family, Kate is an attentive mother who puts all her love into her two kids. She may be busy with her hotels, but she never fails to make it home on time, and if she knows she's working late, she'll work from home to ensure her kids get to see her. I can't leave out the swimming lessons Kate takes them to. Kate is a well-rounded businesswoman, mother, and friend," Dylan continued.

"You said that about me?" Kate asked in awe. Meekly nodding my head, Kate leaned her head on my shoulder, kissing it.

"But how could Audrey mention having a third baby at dinner with this man who I learned is the donor without consulting her wife? Sounds odd to me to have such a conversation with someone who isn't your spouse or domestic partner. I know why Audrey invited me to dinner. To ensure I didn't write about her and that man, Clive Renolds, in any article, but after that disaster of dinner, I couldn't help myself. Call me selfish and an attention whore if you will, but for Audrey to belittle my girl, Charlie Martinez, in front of me and after hearing the stories on how Charlie is unfairly treated, I see fit to expose the crow. Kate Moennig, if you are reading this, I've got your back," Dylan finished reading.

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