Part 11

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Soon, everyone arrives and gets set up. Hotch was standing up at the end of the table beside Morgan, Garcia was sitting beside Prentiss and JJ was sitting beside Rossi at the booth. Your dad was sitting beside you on the couch. Garcia began to give the profile, "Last week the serial killer known as 'The Ripper' began to terrorize local citizens in Clark County. Currently there have been 2 victims known as Cherry Smith and Wendy Windsor both prostitutes at a freakishly young age with the same M.O, the slitting of the throat. But apparently that wasn't enough because he wrote on their stomachs 'I am better than.' Any clues?" You look up and just as your dad was about to state a random fact, you stopped him. "He didn't rape his victims did he?" Penelope looks at you confused, "Umm, yeah, how did you know that?" You stand up and say, "Well, if he meant 'The Ripper' as in 'Jack the Ripper' that would make sense. Jack the Ripper never raped his victims, he was also never caught because the only DNA left on the crime scene was mitochondrial DNA which can only rule out suspects almost like a blood test. They suspected him to be Aaron Komininski, a local barber who was a paranoid schizophrenic. Now if he wants to be better than him, you are probably looking at a seemingly high educated man who probably knows a lot about anatomy just like Jack. He has also probably has had a few petty crimes such as assault due to his nature of hating prostitutes, Jack hated prostitutes, anyways he is probably going to strike again though soon to get more bodies than Jack." You notice you were zoned out while talking. Everyone was looking at you confused, you look down and say, "I'm sorry, continue." Rossi and Morgan just begin to laugh, Morgan says, "Well shit, looks like we got another genius on our hands!" Everyone begins to laugh including you. They begin to talk about the rest of the profile and you begin to fall asleep on your dad's shoulder. You are woken up by turbulence about 2 hours later. You never like flying, you didn't know why, you never had bad experiences with it. It just gave you anxiety. You look up shocked and start breathing a bit heavier. Your dad looks down at you and whispers, "It's okay y/n, it's just a bit of turbulence, nothing to worry about." You nod and he puts his arms around you to make you feel safer. You tried to go back to sleep but you couldn't with the turbulence, so you decided to read "Life in the Fishbowl"(this isn't sponsored or anything, I just really like this book). Morgan walks over to you and sits beside you, "What cha you reading, kid?" You look up and say, "Life in the Fishbowl, it's about a man named Teagan Broadwater, he goes to a gang-filled area in Texas and catches a bunch of dangerous Crips. He nods and picks up his iPod and starts to listen to music. You finished the book in 30 minutes due to your ability to read 18,000 words per minute. You put the book down and Derek takes out one of his headphones, "You're done already?" You laugh and say, "Yeah!" He laughs and says, "Do you even get to enjoy the book reading that fast, I mean, I like to take my time to read?" You turn towards him and say, "What's your favorite movie?" He looks at you confused, "Umm, I guess Fast and Furious." You think for a minute and respond, "Do you enjoy that movie even though it is only one hour and forty-seven minutes long?" He chuckles, "Yeah, okay I get it Sherlock." You laugh and then you feel a lot of turbulence. You get scared and look over at your dad who is asleep, you didn't want to wake him for this. Derek looks at you sympathetic and puts his hand on your shoulder, "You okay kid?" You look at him and your eyes begin to form tears, you whisper on the verge of crying, "No." He scoots over to you and hugs making you feel secure. You felt a tear run down your cheek as the plane landed and your dad woke up. He turns and looks at you, "Sweetie, are you okay?" You look up and Derek lets go of you, "Yeah, I guess I just don't like flying." You stand up and gather your things, then you and the rest of the team get out of the plane and are escorted to your cars.

You, your dad, Hotch, and Prentiss got in one of the black SUVs and Garcia, JJ, Rossi, and Morgan got in the other one. You all dropped your stuff at the hotel and then headed to the police station. On the way to the police station, Hotch says, "So y/n, your dad told me you were going to start homeschooling now." You look up from your phone and say, "Yep, I'm really excited!" He smiles at your dad and says, "Well, Spencer and I were talking on the plane about you taking an internship here at the BAU, we could always use a second genius! Is that something you would be interested in doing?" You had no words, you knew for as long as you could remember that you wanted to work for the BAU. You couldn't believe this was finally going to happen. You look at him in amazement and slightly yell not trying to be loud, "Yes! Absolutely!" They all chuckle and Hotch says, "It's a deal then, I will just have to talk to Strauss about it. You wouldn't be able to do a lot, but it will put out a good name for you and you will get a little more practice than most." You smile and say, "Thank you so much!" You finally arrive at the police station and walk in, you see a tall, dark haired man. He reaches his hand out to Hotch and says, "Hello, I'm Chief Wilson, it's a pleasure to meet you." Hotch shakes his hand and introduces us to him, "Hello, I'm SSA Aaron Hotchner, this is SSA Jareau, Prentiss, Rossi, Morgan, Reid, and Technical Analyst, Penelope Garcia." You walk out from behind your dad and Hotch introduces you too, "And this is mini-SSA Reid." They all chuckle as Wilson leads you somewhere to set up. 

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