Part 33

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When you went back to the desk, your dad was frustrated, he said, "Follow me." You could tell he was angry. You followed him into an empty room, he shut the blinds on the windows in the room. He began by loudly saying, "Why wouldn't you talk to her? She's your grandmother and you need to forgive her!" You began to cry again, "I can't right now! She hit me!" Your dad then began to yell, "She hit me too! She would yell at me and hit me as a kid!" You stopped, "Oh, you're gonna play that game?" He looked at you confused, "What game?" You crossed your arm angrily and yelled(inside yell), "Are you seriously going to compare your childhood to mine to make me forgive your mom? She brainwashed you to make you think what she did was okay-" He interrupted you, "I never said what she did was okay-" You yelled back, "Well you act like it! You just blame it on her schizophrenia...but guess what? This whole freaking family is gonna have it! So we can't continue the trend of blaming our problems on it!" You finished off by sassily saying, "But anyways, I'm sorry...I guess my life wasn't as hard as yours. I shouldn't be comparing my childhood with yours." He looked at you speechless. You just crossed your arms at him again trying to not show your tears. He took a step closer to you and you backed up. Tears began to form in his eyes, he looked down and frowned, "y/n, I'm sorry. I didn't-" You were tired of his 'sorry' bullshit. You raised your eyebrows and your voice broke, "Are you really sorry, because you tend to say it a lot but nothing ever happens!" He looked down, "y/n, trust me. I really am sorry. It's just- I was brainwashed and I can't not forgive her. I shouldn't have tried to make you talk to her... And I definitely shouldn't have tried to compare. I'm sorry." You wiped your tears with your hands, "Thanks." He went to hug you, you kept your arms down not hugging him back, but you didn't want to make him feel bad by not accepting it. When he pulled away, he pushed your tear stained hair out of your face, "Do you want to go help me decide if Mike Austin is the UNSUB?" You nodded and he put his hand around your shoulder as you both walked out of the empty room. You walked with him into the conference room, everyone else was there. You sat down beside your dad and they began to talk about the case. Your dad told them about all of the files and they finally agreed that Austin was the UNSUB(I didn't want them to travel so they just called the cops at the station to tell them their conclusion and thoughts). After that was done, Hotch said, "Okay, that's all for today, you can all leave. y/n, can I see you in my office real quick?" Your eyes widened, 'oh no, this can't be good.' You nodded and nervously said, "Yeah, sure." You walked from the conference room to his office. He offered for you to sit on the couch and he shut the door and closed the blinds. You knew every time the blinds shut it wasn't a good thing. He sat down at his chair and sighed, "y/n, I know that you want to work here for the BAU eventually, so I just thought...I don't know how to explain this-" You looked at him confused, "What?" He took a breath, "I won't hire you unless you get therapy. Before you say anything, this is for your own good. You have gone through too much and I don't want you coming to the bureau without talking and sorting through your problems." What the hell? Can he even do this?  Flustered, you began, "This is just an excuse to get me to go to therapy! It is, isn't it?" He sighed, "y/n, I just think...know that you need to work through what has happened in your life with someone-" A few tears came out of your eye, you began to get louder as you stood up, "And you're threatening my future job over that?! I already went to freaking therapy...It didn't work!" He looked down for a minute but being determined, "Your dad and I talked about it, but if you want to blame anyone, blame me. I signed you up for tomorrow at 3pm, now you can either have me or your dad take you." You gave up fighting about it, it was Hotch, you knew you couldn't get out of it. You thought for a minute, if my dad came, he would be too concerned for me. You looked down, "I guess you." He nodded and walked to the door and opened it for you, "See you tomorrow." You didn't respond, you just walked to your dad's desk as he said, "Okay, let's go."

You followed your dad to the car and he drove home. You didn't talk the whole ride way back and your dad could tell something was wrong. You were just so mad, you didn't want to go to therapy again. When you got to the house, you ran straight up to your room and slammed the door. You put in your headphones and just listened to your favorite music. You just stared up at the ceiling, you knew your dad was about to come in, you were planning what you were going to say to him. Then, about five minutes later, there was a knock on your door. He softly asked, "y/n, can I come in?" You just mumbled, "Yeah." He slowly walked in and sat on your bed. You sat up, took your headphones out, and faced him. He did his 'idk what to say face' but then started saying, "y/n, I know you're upset about having to go back to-" You raised your eyebrows at him and said louder, "Upset? No, I'm just irritated at the fact that none of you will listen to me on the fact that I don't want to go back! I am getting better-" He sighed, "y/n, I think you are just telling yourself that to make it seem like everything is in fact, better. But, I think you know that deep down inside, you know it is all just spiraling out of control and you can't do anything about it. That is why Hotch thought it would be a good idea just to get those thoughts under control with someone who isn't like a family member." You completely and utterly ignored what he just said, "No! I can't go back because when I do, they are going to keep me in the hospital for months. They're gonna take me away!" He looked at you confused, "y/n, what makes you think this? They can't do that without my-" You began to get louder, "Dad! When they find out that I almost was killed multiple times because of your job they might start to think I'm not in a safe home environment! They won't-" He hugged you to get you to stop yelling and before you had an anxiety attack, he whispered, "Hey, hey, sweetie, shh, calm down, you're okay. I've got you and I'm never letting you out of my reach ever again. I will do anything to keep you safe with me. No one will take you." You lightly sobbed into his chest and calmed your breathing. He rested his head on your head and just rubbed your back to calm you down. He eventually pulled away and pushed your hair out of your face, "y/n, I will never let anyone take you ever again." He gave you a light kiss on the top of your head before getting up and walking out of your room, he whispered, "I'm making some hot chocolate, you should come down and get some." He winked and shut the door. You went to the bathroom to get cleaned up and hurried downstairs. He handed you a mug and said, "Here sweetie." You took the hot chocolate and went to the couch to sit down. Your dad sat next to you and said, "Oh yeah, I was going to tell you, we need to get driving hours for you if you want to start driving in a few months." Your eyes widened, you had no interest in driving. You looked at him and said, "Oh, okay." He then said, "Okay, let's do that this weekend." You nodded and picked up a book and began to read. He stood up and turned on a radio he had by the TV. He put on classical music and picked up his book. You both read for a while until you began to feel tired, you yawned and he looked up at the clock, "10:15, you need to go to bed." You sighed, "Nooo, just a few more minutes?" He stood up and chuckled, "Nope!" You just kept reading your book until you felt yourself being lifted up and thrown over his back, like the fireman's carry. You began to giggle as he carried you up the stairs. When he got to your room, he threw you onto your bed and laughed. You climbed under your covers and he pushed your messy hair out of your face, he smiled and said, "Goodnight sweetie." He walked out of your room and then turned off the light. Right when he walked out of the room, you turned on your bedside lamp and grabbed your book. You began to read but you heard your door being opened. Your dad looked at the book and raised his eyebrows at you, "Bed, now." You giggled and turned off the light, he then said in a sarcastic voice, "Goodnight y/n." You whispered, "Goodnight dad." Then, to yourself, you said, "goodnight mom." -- The next morning, you woke up by your dad opening your blinds again, "Goodmorning y/n, hurry and get ready so that I can go to work." You just flipped around so that you wouldn't face the blinds and shut your eyes again. He chuckled and went to the other side of the bed to you. He squatted down, pushed your hair back, and said, "y/n Diana, get up." You flipped back around and he said, "I didn't want to do this." You felt the pillow your head was on disappear, then, he wacked you in the head with it. You got up quickly and grabbed another pillow and hit him with it. He chuckled and said, "Okay y/n, go get ready." He walked out of the room and you got ready and dressed. When you walked downstairs, you saw your dad eating a bagel and reading his book. He looked up at you and grabbed his bag, also handing you yours. When you both got in the car he said, "Oh yeah, remember, Hotch is taking you to therapy today, you will probably leave around 2:38." Oh no, I forgot about that. You looked at him blank for a minute and just nodded, "Oh yeah." When you got to the office, you put your stuff down and asked your dad, "Can I go help Penelope." He nodded, "Yeah, just come back in about an hour so I can get you set up for drivers ed." You had been putting that off so much. It wasn't that you were lazy, you just had no desire to drive. If your dad and you work at the same place forever, there would be no point. You headed to Penelope's office and lightly knocked, "Hello?" She turns around in her chair and stands up, "Hey sweets! How are you?" She wraps you in a massive hug as you say, "Good. Do you need help with anything?" She answered, "Not much going on around here but I found a new software that I can teach you how to use!" You smiled and said, "Okay!" She started showing it to you, then Derek walked in. He hugged you both from behind in your chairs, "My two favorite ladies! What are y'all up to?" Penelope answers, "Well my chocolate thunder, I was showing y/n this new software!" He nods, "Okay, cool." He then says, "Well, I'm gonna finish up what I was doing. I'll see you and mini-Reid later babygirl." You both chuckled and started working again. In about an hour, you got a text from your dad saying, "Come here." You told Penelope where you were going and you walked to your dad's desk. He said, "Hotch got an earlier appointment for you. Can you be ready to leave in about 6 minutes?" You nodded and said, "Yeah, let me just run to the restroom real fast." When you got to the restroom, you began to breath heavily. y/n, you're fine. You kept telling yourself hoping you would believe it, but you weren't believing.

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