Part 61

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You woke up on the floor in a panic. You began to hyperventilate, then your dad ran into the room. He kneeled at your side and said, "y/n, what happened? Are you okay?" You sit up feeling dizzy and look at him with eyes that told him, 'I can't do this.' He looked at your tear glazed eyes and then brought you in a hug, "y/n, I'm sorry. You're safe now." After a bit of crying into his chest, he picked up your nearly limp body and asked, "Do you want to come sleep in my bed?" You nodded as he carried you downstairs and into his room. He put you down on the opposite side of the bed and asked quietly, "Do you want to ask Dr. Melrose if we can get a stronger prescription?" You nodded and just shut your eyes, you were too tired to do anything right now.

The next morning you woke up to the light from the window. Your dad walked over to you and whispered, "y/n, let's get up so we can go to counseling." You groaned and got up to go get ready. Once you finished, you met your dad in the car, he said, "I'm going to talk to Dr. Melrose about getting you a stronger prescription." You looked down saddened by what he just said. Who would have thought, a fifteen year old is needing to get a higher prescription for PTSD. When you got there, your dad signed you in and you sat down in the waiting room. You heard your name called by Dr. Halstead, "y/n Reid." You followed him into his office and sat down on the chair.

You both stared at each other for a minute until you said in a comedic way, "So guess what?" He raised an eyebrow, "What?" You chuckled again and said, "I had another bad guy point a gun at me." He looked at you confused, "I just saw you last week-" You chuckled, "Let me finish...I was sent to a church where we knew the shooter was going to be...he was a teenager. They knew he was armed and in the youth room. I was sent in with a taser...well, that didn't go well. He hit me with his gun, held me in a chokehold, and then used me to bargain his way out with the gun on my head. Then, he died in front of me and I passed out." He opened his mouth to speak but you interrupted, "Oh yeah, and I also want to go see Cat Adams and tell her what she did to me and the pain she caused me." He looked at you shocked and confused and then said, "We have a lot to unpack." He continued talking about therapy and feelings, all that boring stuff. Then, your dad was told to come into the room. Your dad started by saying, "I was wondering if you could prescribe her a higher dosage of her Prazosin. I'm guessing she told you, her nightmares are getting worse." You looked down at the floor and Dr. Melrose asked, "Can I speak with you privately Dr. Reid?" Your dad looked at him confused and said, "Umm, sure." Your dad nodded for you to leave the room, you walked out and sat in the lobby waiting for him.

Spencer Reid POV:

You looked at Dr. Melrose confused and asked, "What's wrong?" Dr. Melrose sighed and said, "Dr. Reid, the medication I am giving your daughter is enough for her-" You angrily interrupted, "Then why is she still having the nightmares so often?" Dr. Melrose sighed and paused, "Dr. Reid, given your history of substance abuse...I just don't think I can consciously give y/n more prescription then is required-" What the hell! How does he know...and what the hell? You gave him the most furious face, "Umm, what the hell? First of all, that was years ago...and I'm-" Dr. Melrose interrupted, "Your daughter told me you released a few months ago." Are you kidding me. You sighed, "Okay, I had a relapse...but this should have nothing to do with my daughter! She is sick and she needs to get better! She needs the medication! She can't get through the night alone without waking up with nightmares!" He raised his eyebrows and gave you a smirk, "I don't think I can trust you with a medication like that-"

You interrupted, "Dilaudid...I was drugged 16 years ago and had a relapse a few months ago because y/n is not getting any better and I was stressed out. Prazosin is not a pain medication, I wouldn't even get a high out of it if I took it. I just-" At this point, you let a tear fall from your face you were so desperate, "Doctor, I need my daughter to get better. I can't see her like this. She feels awful all the time and she can't escape her nightmares. Please, she needs the medication." Dr. Melrose, still in his chair, crossed his arms and said, "No." Pissed off, you say, "I'm done." You walk out of the room to see y/n sitting in a chair. You tell her angrily, "We're leaving." She follows you confused. You get into the car and slam the door shut. Then, you rub your face with your hands and back out of the parking lot.

You looked at your daughter who was extremely confused, she looked up at you worried and asked, "What's wrong?" Not wanting to tell her all of what just happened, you just said, "We're gonna go to a new doctor and get you your medication." She looked at you shocked and confused, "What?!" You sighed, "I know y/n, I'm sorry but-" She began to get upset, "No-you don't get to say that! You're the one who is making me go to therapy...and I am actually getting progress done with Dr.'re just gonna take me out of that? Why?!"

You sighed and tried to stay calm, "I'm sorry y/n, he just...he wouldn't change your medication and I-" She looked at you furious, "I don't need a change in my-" What the hell? Doesn't she know she needs something to control her nightmares? You raised your eyebrows at her and began to speak louder, "Don't need a change in medication? y/n! The past month you have been having nightmares every night! That's not normal and you need something to help it besides therapy!" She crossed her arms and said, "If you think it would be so beneficial, then why won't Dr. Melrose prescribe it for me?" You sighed, "Because I-" She yelled, "Because of what?"

You spoke quietly, "Because he thinks I will abuse it-" She looked at you confused, "Another dilaudid." She looked at you saddened, "Oh." You nodded and she said, "I'm sorry." You answer, "Me too." A few minutes later, you pulled into the driveway and before y/n got out, you asked, "When do you want to go see Cat?" She looked at you nervously, "Umm...soon?" You rubbed her back as she looked down, "Hey, you don't have to do this." She looked up at you in tears, "No, I am gonna regret it if I don't. I won't be able to forgive myself if I didn't tell her what she put me through." You nodded and said, "I'll schedule and appointment for tomorrow." She nodded and then the both of you walked back into the house.

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