Part 19

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A few hours later, you asked, "Can I make cookies?" He smiled and nodded, "That sounds great!" You got up and grabbed a frozen cookie dough mix. You read the instructions and began to make them. You added sprinkles to a few and kept the others plain. Once you finished, you brought him a plate and you both stuffed cookies into your mouths. As you finished, you said, "I wish mom was here right now." He smiled and wrapped his arm around you, "I do too." You both just continued watching TV until your dad got a call from Penelope, he answered it saying, "Dr. Spencer Reid speaking." You thought it was hilarious when he said that, you heard talking from the other side of the phone and your dad kept nodding his head. He finished saying, "Okay, see you in a bit." He hung up the phone and looked at you, "Penelope is bringing us food tonight from Panda Express, want anything?" You grin and say, "Orange chicken?" He smiles and says, "Okay." You see him text Penelope your order and then he puts down his phone. You went up to your room to at least look presentable until your dad calls from the other room, "Tell me if you need anything sweetie." He was obviously telling you to not cut yourself while you were up there. He wanted to give you privacy, but you knew if you did it again, you were gonna end up not getting any privacy at all. You begin to brush your hair and put on jeans and a nice sweater. You walked downstairs and you dad looked at you weird for a minute. He thinks I did it again. You look at him seriously and say, "I'm fine dad." He did his little thing where he puckers his lips out and brings them in(idk how to describe it) and he says, "Okay." About 15 minutes later, you hear the doorbell ring, you went to answer it and say Penelope. She smiles and gives you a hug, "Hey sweet girl! How are you feeling?" She pulls back and you say, "Good!" you and her both walk into the living room and pull out the food, your dad limps over to see her and says, "Thanks for the food!" She hugged him and said, "Any time! And also, shouldn't you be using your crutches-" Your dad quickly answers, "I'm fine, really." I guess that's where you get it from. You all went to the table and began to talk about the current case they were working on. Your dad gave some of his intel as you all finished eating. Once you were all done, Penelope got a text from Hotch, it read, "We need you in the office ASAP." She looked down and frowned, "Duty calls. Sorry guys." Your dad stood up and said, "It's fine! Thank you for the food." She gives you both hugs and says, "Take it easy... both of you!" She walks out of the house and you begin to pick up the plates. Once you were done, you went up to your room and watched TV for a little bit. You just wanted a little alone time, but your dad did not like this. You hear him hobble upstairs and knock on your door, "y/n, are you okay?" Why does he have to check on me all the time? You say with a slight attitude, "Yes dad, I'm okay." You heard him sigh and say, "Okay, I'm downstairs if you need me." You knew he was just trying to protect you, but you knew you would get very tired of him hovering now.

You stayed up late that night, you didn't want to be alone with your thoughts. You began to do homework for a while until you realized what time it was. "2AM! I need to go to bed, dad is gonna kill me." Your dad could always tell when you stayed up late and he was not gonna like it. You turned off all of your lights and tried to sleep but your thoughts just kept racing. You couldn't relax, you just thought of what you needed to do next. After about 45 minutes of tossing and turning, you got out of bed and headed to the kitchen to get some melatonin. It used to be in your room but your dad took it out, for obvious reasons. You turned on a small light and tiptoed to the medicine cabinet. You very carefully opened and reached for the melatonin. It was on the top shelf and you couldn't reach it, so you got ready to get on the counter and climb. Just as you were about to get on the counter, you heard your dad clearing his throat. You turn around to see him half asleep, "y/n, what are you doing awake at, "2:45AM." You look down and say, "I couldn't sleep, so I decided to get some melatonin, but I can't reach it." He sighs and sort of limps over to the cabinet and easily reaches the medicine. He opens the bottle and grabs you one pill, "Here." You grab the pill from his hand and swallow it. He ruffles your messy hair and says, "Goodnight sweetie. Now, go to bed." You smiled and walked back to your room. You hopped in bed and the melatonin began to do its job. You were out in less than 15 minutes. - You woke up super late that morning at 10:30. You looked at the time in shock. You hated to wake up late, you felt like half of the day was wasted. You quickly jump out of bed and begin to get ready for the day. Once you picked out your outfit, you walked downstairs to see your dad on his laptop with his coffee. He looks up and says, "You know Einstein says, We sleep away ⅓ of our lives, but I think you just slept away ⅔ of it." You give him a sassy smirk and walk over to see what he was working on. You observed his laptop and asked, "What are you doing?" He looked at you and said, "Well, since Hotch and the team are busy on cases, I decided to do some of their paperwork so they don't have to do it when they get back." You nod and take a sip of his coffee, you regretted doing that. You run to the sink and spit it out, "Holy crap! Do you want some coffee with that sugar?" He laughs and says, "I need the energy, you woke me up at 3AM." This made you feel really bad, you never wanted to, he was just a light sleeper. You tried to act funny, "I'm sorry!" He laughs, obviously, he wasn't that great at profiling to know you actually felt bad. You went to the kitchen and made your own coffee and worked on homework for a while. About two hours later you stand up and say, "I'm hungry." He nods and says, "There's some frozen veggies and chicken in the freezer if you want to make those." You nod your head and begin to heat the both up in the microwave. You sat there and waited until it finished, you put both on a plate and gave some to your dad. He looks up and nods, he seems really busy. You decided to go upstairs to watch TV and eat. As you begin to eat you begin to feel upset, you didn't know why, you just had random spurts of this. You stood up and tried to shake it off, y/n, why are you like this? After you finished your food, you walked downstairs to see your dad taking a break from his work. He looked up at you and said, "I'm done with work today sweetie, we can just relax all day." And that is what you both did, you sat around the house and waited for a new adventure.

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