Part 28

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You walked in and went straight to your room, you wanted to avoid him for right now. Eventually, you would ask, but not now. You quickly went up to your room and just began to read. After about two hours, you heard your dad walking around downstairs. I will talk to him, eventually. You finished almost five books before you decided to gain the courage to ask him what was going on. You quietly walked downstairs and walked to his room, and knocked on the door. You got a "Come in." You slipped in the door and saw it, it was awful. The room was a mess, there were books everywhere on the floor, a chair was flipped over, you didn't even want to see the bathroom. Your dad was a mess, he was still in his PJs, his hair was a wreck, he was just sitting criss cross on his bed holding a pillow. You went and moved some books to sit on the bed, you looked at his bloodshot eyes and asked, "What's wrong dad?" He put his hands in his face and said, "I'm sorry y/n, you shouldn't have to see me like this." Your eyes filled with tears, "What's wrong?" He looked you in the eyes, you could see all of his pain, "I'm sorry, I let you down, I let your mother down, Hell I even let myself down." You looked at him confused, "What do you mean?" He answered standing up beside the bed, "I promised your mom I would keep you safe and happy, and so far, I have failed both of those things!" You looked at him sorrowful, "It's not your fault-" He began to raise his voice, "Yeah, how is it not my fault! I freaking have a job that puts you in danger all the time and gives you trauma!" You didn't know how to answer, "Dad, it's okay!" You went to stand up to give him a hug but you stepped on a bottle on the floor, you picked it up and read it, "Dilaudid?" In shock, you dropped the bottle onto the rug, you looked up at him and all you could see was a tear falling out of his eye. He looked you in the eyes, "I'm sorry y/n." You didn't want to punish him by yelling at him, he had been through enough. You silently walked up to him and just gave him a hug. That was all he needed right now. He just sobbed, "I'm really sorry, I just, I was having a rough night and I, I relapsed... I really am sorry." You just answered, "It's okay." You hugged him for a while until you pulled away and said, "We can do this together." He smiled and nodded, "You really are your mother's daughter." You smiled back, "I try." Later that night, you both sat around watching TV and eating whatever you had in the freezer. It was around 8PM, your dad got a call from Hotch, "Hey Hotch, what's up?" You could hear Hotch on the other end, "We've got a case in Vegas, can you be at the airport in 30?" Your dad replied, "Yes, can y/n come with us?" You heard Hotch say, "Yes." You were excited, you loved going on cases, but you were nervous for your dad. Was he an addict? Your dad looks at you and smiles, "Well, looks like you are going to be a BAU agent tonight, can you be ready to leave in 12 minutes?" He was very exact on his times. "Yep! Let me go grab my things!" You both separated into opposite sides of the house grabbing your go bags and a few more things. You double checked everything and walked downstairs, "I'm ready!" Your dad wasn't in the kitchen like usual. You called for him, "Dad!" You walked into his room, he was in the bathroom holding the bottle of Dilaudid. He tries to hide it but you already saw it, "Dad-" He was lost at words, "I'm sorry y/n, I just-" You interrupted him, he took away your addiction, you needed to take his. You responded, "If you take that, I take one of my blades." You knew this was very irrational, but you knew he wasn't letting you near one of those again. He put the bottle back in the box as a tear ran down his face, "Damnit...let's go." You followed him out of the door and headed to the car. When you got in the car you asked yourself, should he really be going on this case in the state he is in?

When you got to the airport, it was 8:27 to be exact, your dad parked the car and walked to the jet. You walked up the stairs carrying your things, Derek saw you first and said, "Hey tiny!" You have him a hug, "Hey Derek!" You greeted everyone else and got settled onto the couch. You put in your airpods and put on some music while the others talked about the case. You didn't want to hear about blood and guts right before you went to sleep. You tossed and turned, but you couldn't get comfy. After about 30 minutes of trying to sleep, your dad realized you were uncomfortable. He grabbed a blanket and put it over you, he whispered, "Is that better?" You nodded and curled up with the blanket. You felt him sit beside your head, he began to play with your hair and you fell right to sleep. It felt exactly how your mom used to play with your hair. You faintly heard your dad on the phone with someone, but you couldn't make out who it was until he said, "Okay, bye mom, love you." About 5 and a half hours later, you felt the jet land. You slowly got up, your hair in a mess. Your dad looked at you and laughed, he began ruffling your hair. You gave him a glare and he just chuckled, "Okay, let's go Edward Scissorhands." You rolled your eyes and grabbed your things. You were still on the couch and said, "I don't wanna walk to the car!" In your defence it was two in the morning in DC. Your dad raised his eyebrows and said, "Well, I guess you can just stay on the-" Derek laughed and interrupted him, "I gotcha kid, come on!" You got on his back and you both laughed at your dad. He carried you out to one of the cars, this time, it was you, your dad, Derek, and Emily. You climbed into the car, Emily sat in the back seat with you and Derek was driving. Derek started saying, "Hotch said he wants us to go to the hotel, the police dropped off some of the files there for us to look at but he doesn't want us going to the station until the morning." Emily responded, "It's gonna be a late night!" Your dad said, "And an early morning." You rolled your eyes and said, "Ugh, why didn't I just stay at home?" They all laughed and you rested your eyes. You got to the hotel and all walked into the lobby, Hotch gave you all room keys and said, "Okay everyone, here are your room keys, I am in 211. Put your things in your rooms and get settled, then come into my room in about 10 minutes, we can begin to look at the files." You raced Derek to the elevator button, you beat him, "Haha, I beat you!" He raised his eyebrows, "I'm pretty sure I had to carry you to the car about 20 minutes ago!" You just laughed and walked to you and your dad's room. You dropped everything off and got into your PJs. He stood at the door and asked, "You ready?" You nodded and followed him into the hallway down to Hotch's room. You were walking down the hallway barefoot when your dad realized he stopped and said, "Eww, do you know how many germs are on this- you know what-" He picked you up and threw you on his back, "You better wash your feet really good when we get back to the room." Your dad was a complete germaphobe. When you got sick, he would practically put on a hazmat suit and disinfect every inch of the house. You got to Hotch's room the same time Rossi did, "What's with the kid?" Your dad chuckled as he put you down and said, "She didn't wear any shoes walking down this hall, do you know how dirty it is?" He laughed as you both walked in. Hotch said, "Get comfy, we might be in here for a bit." The room had two beds so you and JJ sat on one bed, Emily sat on the spinny chair and your dad sat on one of the tables(for some reason). Derek sat on the other bed with Hotch and Rossi was in the other chair. They all grabbed files and began to read, Hotch saw you weren't doing anything and said, "y/n, you can read some, we might be done faster if we have two people who can read at least 18,000 words per minute." You grabbed the files he handed you and began to read. It only took about 5 minutes to read it a few times to make sure you told them every detail. After you finished, you looked up at your dad, he handed you a file and you read that too. After about 20 minutes of everyone trading off files, you all began to discuss it. You talked about all of the victims and the police reports. It took about 30 minutes, but you all finally got an okay running profile(they just need it so that they were prepared for tomorrow and could head home). Once they finished, Hotch told everyone, "We leave at 8:00AM, everyone is in the lobby at 7:55. Goodnight!" You began to walk out the door until your dad snatched you up, "Nope! Next time, bring your slippers!" The team laughed as he walked back to your room with him holding you over his back. Once you got back in your room he said, "Go wash those feet!" You quickly scrubbed them and got into bed. Your dad was checking his phone when he looked up and said, "Hey y/n, we are gonna go see your grandma while we're here. Hopefully we can just see her for about an hour and get back on the jet, if not we can just get a separate flight back." Your heart sank, the last time you saw her, she forgot who you were. You hadn't seen her in about 5 years so it would be even worse. You just smiled and nodded, "Okay." Your dad set an alarm and you both went to sleep quickly.

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