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mike 🔫



so um

why are you acting weird

stfu let me talk

okay go ahead i'm sorry

soooooo my judgy grandma died

oh i'm sorry

don't be
she died 2 days ago and they just told me like 3 hours ago
it's weird to hear my aunts voices since we barely speak and the last time we did they called me a desperate attention seeking whore
but i'm not sure how i'm supposed to react rn
should i be sad?
no right
they all hurt me in different ways
but she's still family
i should be sad....
but i'm not even going to her funeral because they said grandma 'probably wouldn't wanna a whore before she left.'

no offence
but i hate your family

but i mean, i am a whore
should i argue to go
to see her one last time?
i think my mom is going though
i don't want to see her
my dad says we should go no matter what they say

i think you should go but that's totally up to you
it's just that even if i hate a person i would want to see them one last time.

yeah i do too
other family members
i don't want to cause a scene
they trigger me

trigger you?

all that in one
idk why they just do

i'm sorry

but i really wanna see her now
no matter what she said
i wanna be there when she goes
idk i sound stupid

no, no.
you're not stupid
i would like the same thing

but my moms gonna be there

ignore her

ignore her?
that's impossible!
she has another daughter now!
and a new husband!
sometimes i think she killed my sister

your sister?

never mind

you have a sister?

she um she passed
a year before my mom left

oh i'm so sorry

yeah i miss her sometimes
my mom says i was faking it though because i'm a cold hearted bitch

how did she die?
if you don't mind me asking

car crash
my mom was driving so yeah
like i said... sometimes i think she did it on purpose
she kept saying that she wished it was me in that car instead soooooo that's cool
then she left because i was a mess and i reminded her of ava
which is true since she's my baby sister
she acted like she was the only one that was hurting
but she never knew it hurt me and dad more

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