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daddy 🥵💦

how was your....
hold on
4th day as a assistant?

everyone is calling me hot and my dad is getting so annoyed of it he holds his gun everywhere
it's gotten so bad that i'm literally hiding in my dads office
someone's staring at my boobs


those locked up people waiting to get interrogated
i used to sell nudes, why do i feel uncomfortable?

el, that's normal
where's your dad right now?

trying to force a murder out of someone
should i change?
but i love my outfit
why should i change for others?
this isn't fair

change if YOU want to

i don't want to

ok then don't

wanna see my outfit though?

sure why not

sure why not

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too much?

a lot of boobs and butt
but you are so hot and attractive baby
you wore that to a police place with your dad?

it's my most casual going out outfits
shit my dads coming back
he looks so mad
i need to head back to the paper work

bye el ❤️
(seen 12:39pm)


"tired?" hopper asks as el nods, "never knew you had so much work." she whispers, putting her phone away

"wanna help with a interrogation?" he grins as she gasps

"really!? what is it about!?" she exclaims, putting the paper work down and standing up

"the murder one. that stupid jerk wouldn't budge but i'm sure he did it. wanna give it a try?" he asks, handing her the file as she nods rapidly, looking over the file

"who would say no!?" she walks to one of the rooms, "wait are you gonna be there with me?"

"i'll be watching from the 2 sided mirror." he grins, kissing her cheek as they walk into separate rooms

"hey there hot stuff." a mid age man smirks as el sits down, crossing her legs and fixing her hair

she smirks, resting her chin on her palm with her elbow supporting her head, "hot stuff, huh? how hot?" she whispers, licking her lips

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